Red Bubble Algae and other unknowns- help to ID and remove if needed?


New member
I have completed by new Nano cycle about 3-4 weeks ago. Been dealing with some green hair algae which I have been removed as possible and overall the tank is doing quite well. I have added a CUC of snails only for now. They have been in the tank for 3 weeks or so.

Any ways I noticed a few things especially in the last week of extra growth. I wanted to get some help identifying and determine what needs to be removed, etc.

1.) Red Bubble Algae (suspected). It is the only bubble or 2 I see. It has grown on top of this red "thing" that seems to be living- opens what appears to be a mouth when the lights are out, and during the day closes up. Recently with the green hair algae it has gotten a but covered and now has this semi-transparent red bubble. There also appears to be some red semi-transparent "blades" right behind it. Right now I have 2 bubbles on the same rock...

Here is the high res version:

2.) Red semi-transparent "blades"/fans
As mentioned above, there all all localized on one rock, but found in 2 locations on that rock. Them are semi-transparent and look like thicker blades of grass but red'ish. They are not big, largest is maybe a cm tall and seems anchored to the rock itself.


Larger- same as above:

3.) Finally I have this pocket of white. It reminds me of a spiders egg nest. Looks like cotton'ish.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially since this is a new build and new tank. Just want to start off on the right foot as much as possible.
The first three pictures look to be either macro algae or foraminiferans developing,let them grow a little more.The last picture shows a sponge which is great for your tank.
Agree, macro and sponge, both cool, just watch the green that you removed, hopefully it's not bryopsis and you got it all