RED BUGS!! kill em or live with em?????

I really doubt these pills are not mixed well in the production batch. Many times, pills are split in half for partial doses for animals. Also, to me, it seems like it would be very antiquated to not have a pill that is consistent throughout. I'd definetly like to see proof of this.
Originally posted by RichConley
One thing to note guys: This medication is meant to be taken as a whole. The active ingredient is NOT consistenly mixed throughout the pill. If you're cutting the pill in half, theres no guarantee you're even getting ANY of the drug. If you're gonna treat a smaller tank, use a smaller pill, not a part of a bigger one.

This is 100% totally wrong

Interceptor is a regulated medication and just as all regulated medications go that require a perscription the medication has to go through a 100% emolsion (SP) process of all ingredients prior to pill formation and packaging allowing equal distribution of the ingredients througuh out the medication. This is an requirement for ALL medications, human or pet that require a perscription. This is done more to protect the drug maker from lawsuit in case a person decides to take half now and half later and sommething bad happens.

My source is head of medical compliance/regulator affairs w/ the FDA for BMS.