The original interceptor is back, no need to use spectrum.
Thank you for the clarification!
The original interceptor is back, no need to use spectrum.
You dont really need to do a water change, just put in some carbon and put the skimmer back on line. It takes about 4 hours to start seeing the bugs fall off the coral.
Everything piper said^^^^^
I used Dr. G's coral dip in my tank as it uses the same ingredient in interceptor. It is a liquid in a bottle and one capful for a period of 3 hours and ALL red bugs were gone. I have crazy polyp extension ever since. Three 10 percent water changes and your tank is back to normal. I cant recommend it also kills aefw per the bottle.
I haven't seen any issues with the worm population- they still come out of the cracks when feeding. The bottle says it will kill a lot of stuff, but for the whole tank dosing being discussed, we are using the product way below the concentration that is used for the recommended 6hr. dip (per the bottle). The relatively low concentration being dosed to the tank affects the red bugs and some other organisms (see my note on my cleaner shrimp), but I don't think it kills all that the bottle claims when used WT.
Not an expert by any means but perhaps you under dosed. How did you determine water volume? I have dipped with Dr. G's and it took like 3 hours before I starting seeing them die. I would add another cap and let it sit all night. The active ingredient is not harmful to fish or corals even well past the overdose level.
Find any today? Most of what I read indicates it takes a while- up to 6 hrs?
anenomeguy- I have a separate refuge- I did disconnect from main system. My feeling was that as these bugs seem so specific for acropora, that there wouldn't be a population in my fuge. I could be wrong- time will tell.
So ive not done the treatment yet as i just got back from vacation and didn't want be gone and something happen and need to do water changes etc... But i have a 225 gallon system and i see killinit123 has a 110 or so and im wondering if when you get to the larger more volume tank size if the "popular" dose is strong enough. Killinit123 please keep us posted and like others have said it seems to take awhile and may require a second round in a week. If i do move forward i will do 2 treatments a week apart. Again im trying to rule out any water param issues first but everything else is thriving but when i removed the small brain frag that has half died off, i saw all kinds of small black microscopic bugs in the bowl after dipping with coral rx. So if these are the issue then it seems to go for more than just my large monti cap that is all but totally bleached out now, but i think the die off was mostly a result of one of my orphek leds had been running 24/7 while i was gone on vacation. I pulled in last saturday at 4 in the morning and noticed from outside that some lights were on and knew it wasnt going to be a good thing. I had my blue stylo bleach on the tips and a few other things but no complete loss like the monti. Before i left the monti was only half bleached. I have always dipped my corals but from now on im using the drg dip and quarintine for a week or so first. One last question, i have 2 pectina corals in my tank and both look real good except the green on that i grew from a dime size frag looks a little different and was wondering if it was after shock of the lights being on for an extended time or do you think whatever is bothering my stonies is also now bothering it?
so i have went a week with no skimmer at times mainly forgetting to plug it back in after water changes. my sump fills up enough when i shut my main pump off and the change in water level makes my skimmer overflow. so ive tried to learn to shut it off before killing the main. of course then you have to remember to turn it back on. either way, i think with normal day to day stuff its ok, but when using any chemicals id hate to say for sure. so if you do a second treatment back to back maybe wait another 12 hours and then do a water change and re start skimming. i want to do this treatment but i have anemones and im worried about them. wish i could get some first hand feedback on that.
ok, I am assuming by interceptor you guys need ivermectin? If so its easy to purchase at any farm supply store.