red bugs :(

We left one site due to drama, please don't bring it here, too. As far as coral pests go, it's no different than QTing a fish. If you get cryptocarryon because you don't QT, and all your fish die, it's your fault. If you trade corals and don't QT, then get any pest and lose $1000 in coral, it's still your fault. I think I've mentioned before, the hobbyists' refusal in this area to not QT anything, (except for the few that have suffered huge losses) is crazy. It's not smart.

Like others have said, please don't air dirty laundry, that's what PMs are for.
I think the point is you should always be prepared for the possibility of contamination when ever you trade or buy coral &/or fish. With all the different bugs and pests out there it's never safe to assume your getting a "clean" frag. caveat emptor
wow he's crazy. i'm not one for drama at all so this is what i'm going to say.
i didn't notice the bugs until after i traded with ninja. and in that trade i did pick up an acro from him. i havn't traded or sold anything else to anyone in a couple months except 1 person and all they picked up was some zoas and while they were here i talked to them about the bugs. i havn't set up any trades since i've found the bugs.
anyways..again i havn't set up any trades since i found the bugs. i feel attacked and like i have to defend myself now for something that i didn't want. i didn't qt like i should and i learned my lesson. i'm not hiding it from anyone. i chose to post on here because there are alot more people that can view this and offer advice. and i check both sites daily, everyone else is free to as well. when i found them i started doing my research and found people mentioning the temp thing, so i figured i would experiment a little and see if it works. but i wanted to know if anyone local had ever heard or tried it. plus again not only locals can view this. and i didn't find them until after my trade with him so i'm not going to go into that.

i respect everyone who left linoma so i come here as well. it seems like all the BIG tanks are here. i have that option and i stayed out of all the drama that went down. i didn't think in a million years that i was gonna get home tonight and have all this craziness going on, on my computer. i feel like now my name is tainted as a bad hobbiest. thanks ninja, your the man
No worries here :cool:, I have traded corals & fish before with out qt'ing them and have just been lucky not to get any pests. Look at it this way, you discovered a problem and took action to resolve it, sounds like the responsible thing to do to me.
good deal.

on another heater is on the fritz. i came home the other afternoon and the tank temp was pretty high. i thought it was just cause it was warm out and we left the windows open but i look down and the light on the heater was on. so i turned it down to the lowest 70-71 i think is what it says...and it's still turning on around 77-78. so i think i'm going to put it on a timer, that way i can drop a little more without not having a heater at all. without not...double neggative?
i need a controller.