Red Bugs

similar experience. I removed all my shrimp and as many crabs as I could. treated for 24 hrs and ran carbon after 50 gallon waterchange. waited 48 hrs before I put the shrimp and crabs in. most crabs that were reintroduced died or are struggling.. the shrimp are fine.. and the good news... the corals look amazingly better and the whole process was actually fairly easy
Danielboun, thanks for the diagram...very helpful. I have some 8X tippet that should work great for the I hope this works, but I know how finicky my fire shrimp can be. Glad to hear if I can't get him, he may very well survive the dose.

Has everyone just treated once? I thought I had read to dose 3 times.
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your welcome HURT, but if you need to remove any fish in the future, this trap will definately work and cost close to nothing:) keep us posted on your cleaner shrimp and overall outcome of your treatment as I am waiting for my pill to arrive via ups