Red cap vs. green cap Monti

Silly clownfish

New member
I have both in my tank. Both started as small frags. For a while they were growing in a nice layered manner, with the red always growing faster. After several large prunings (maybe a quarter of a 5 gallon bucket worth), the red threatens to take over the candy apple green. I plan to do some more targeted pruning this time.

My question for others with both colors in their tank: does red always outgrow green? Or does green sometimes outgrow red? And if so, what triggers one to grow faster than the other?

In my experience the red always outgrows all other montiporas I have tried. Green, sunset, sand dollar, doesn’t matter. Red grows quicker.
Red outgrows most everything. I typically break pieces off once a week to prevent it from shading other corals.
Thanks for all of the responses. So no magic bullet of raise the level of element X to get the candy apple green to grow faster than the red...