Red Head Wrasse swimming upside down


Active member
I got him 4 days ago and is currently in the second set of TTM along with a Carpenters and a Hawkfish.
It almost seems that he may have a paralysis preventing him from using his bac fin and body. Spend mos of the time upside down.

See video

Also I am wondering if he has lost control of his swim bladder?
Hard to tell what caused the problem to arise. Usually swim bladder issues cause the fish to float, this seems to be something else. I doubt the fish recovers from it, at least IME fish acting like this slowly die.
Following along...

I recently lost a Lubbock's in qt that started doing the same thing, minus the quick respiration, a few days in. I assumed bacterial and didn't get meds soon enough to save him.
I had a lubbocks as well that started swimming vertically, upside down, and just doing flips. Was getting blown all over the tank by any kind of flow. After about 3 or 4 days, he died. I probably had him 3 or 4 weeks before it happened.
He went carpet surfing last night. The tank is covered with egg crate, but he went through the 1/2 sq openings.