red sea sailfin picky eater any suggestions?


New member
I have a red sea sailfin tang and I cannot get him to eat anything but frozen brine shrimp any suggestions? I have tried several different flakes and some julian sprung purple seaweed. I need help he is starting to get thin. He has eaten all the live algae in the tank
Formula 2 cubes, VHP cubes, mysis shrimp. Mine eats all three She gets a full cube every night plus some mysis. I soak the frozen foods in Kent Zoe Marine and Garlic Extreme. GL, Marcye
If nothing else works, some online retailers sell live algae you can supplement him with, or even grow on your own in a refugium. There are also several vendors on eBay selling such products. Have you tried Cyclop-eeze? I've never used it myself, but I hear that most fish cannot resist it.

Good luck!
Mine (rest it's soul) ate spectrum thera A for over a year. Other tang eats great. If you want to add a little garlic juice to the food may make him eat. Other fish will go crazy too. May add a quarter sheet of nori to the tank.
i have never tried cyclop-eeze. I will try adding a little garlic juice and I started a refugium about 2 weeks ago. Just waiting for the algae to start growing. Just getting frustrated
thanks for the help I appreciate it much