rEd86's 700g office tank.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15264859#post15264859 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by crsandoval
Are you sure she was eating the eggs, before I lost my pair to a crash, they would pull on the eggs with their mouths the ones that stayed.... stayed.
If that's the case then none of the eggs stayed. (there were 10% left in a small corner when I left and she was still working on them) I didn't notice anything falling out of her mouth but I didn't really look for it either.

So do you think the surface of the accelerator just wasn't rough enough for the eggs to stick well? Or maybe this is her first batch and the egg quality isn't there yet? I've only seen shots of clutches here on RC that were taken from far way (none in person) so I can't tell if mine were any different.

My clown fish tend to hang out in the corner of the tank and haven't really found an actual home in the new 700g tank. (which is another reason I was surprised to catch her doing this) I figured they would find a more suitable home once things start to grow in and I stock it with more corals. Hopefully that’s why she chose to accelerator as the place to lay her eggs â€"œ I need to figure out how to provide her with a better alternative.

Hmm. I guess I'll have to watch her more closely in the future and see if I can figure this one out.

Thanks crsandoval.

It is plastic, when my clowns spawned they would pick at the ritteri's foot till it retracted and used that "clean" space to lay eggs. Once they find a home, near a frogspawn or an anemone if you get one, they will lay the eggs on a rock.

Good luck... Chris
Its quite normal for them to eat the eggs when they are new spawners. Don't worry about it. I think once they make a home they will settle down and tend the eggs for you. Have you considered getting them a Anemone so they have a home base?
That's good to know. I have three small Anemones (Bubble Tip I think) in the tank (one larger one split about three months ago) but the clown fish just haven't shown any interest in them yet. I've set a preset item to two that are close together on the web camera menu. The third was on the other rock column until I reorganized the rock work on Thursday. Now it's moving around trying to find another space. I am not sure if any of these fish have hosted in an anemone in the past. I had three in my home tank, two hosted and one didn't. These are from that tank and I don't know which they are. One actually hosted in a leather in my old tank, so I planned on adding one to this tank soon, so maybe that will work.

I am hoping that by reorganizing the rock work, I have created more hiding spots for all the fish, which was the goal. I am thinking about creating a little rock spot in the corner where they hang out and see if I can't give them a place to call home.

As with most things in this hobby, it looks like I have to be patient and wait for things to settle into their new environment. I only moved everything into the 700g tank a few months ago and things are just starting to get back to normal. The fact that she laid eggs is a good indicator that we’re moving in the right direction.

Thanks rkelman. I have followed your thread for several months and hope to start breeding this fall. The fact that she laid eggs now is a plus since I wasn't sure how long it would take for that to happen. I'd rather have her start early and just watch a few times than to want her to start and seing nothing.

At first I was going to build a breeding station (I still may do that) but I plan on letting them live in the main display and attempt to havest them at least for the first few months.

I'll start documenting when she lays eggs so I can get a sense of her cycle moving forward. I'll probably start a thread to document this separately once they start to tend to the eggs.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15271245#post15271245 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
Congratulations, Ed! Nice photos, too. Good luck with the kiddos.
Thanks Andy. I was fortunate to be at the right place when it happened so I could capture it.

With any luck, they'll settle in the home I build on the camera side of the tank so that everyone can view the progress the next time they have eggs.

I like the lights being higher over the tank. It looks a lot more evenly lit compared to before. What does your tank's temperature tend to be?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15273263#post15273263 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
I like the lights being higher over the tank. It looks a lot more evenly lit compared to before. What does your tank's temperature tend to be?
I agree. I especially like how slowly the garden mover with the 1 RPM motor works. You can stare at the reflectors on web cam and barely notice they're moving - it's SO slow. Now I can FINALLY start to stock some frags and get this thing back in growth mode.

My temperature hangs around 78 degrees. With 700g and 300g in the sump, the MH lighting doesn't really affect the temps that much. And I keep the office at a cool 75 degrees and there's a lot of open space so the heat doesn't hang around.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15274096#post15274096 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rkelman
Let me know when you start a thread and I'll be there to help out.
Thanks. I'm guessing it will be a couple of months until those two get their act together. At least I hope I have a little time to build a fry tank and a larvae catcher.

I just got back from vacation so now the fun really starts. The first item on my agenda is to build my algae scrubber in the sump and see how that works out. I have already plumbed into the manifold off my return pump, so it shouldn't be that hard once I take some time and cut the pipe. I am still waiting on my LED order from the Nano-Reef LED Group Buy but hopefully they will ship out this week.

I also need to skin my overflow with black acrylic to hide the plumbing and have teeth to keep the snails in the main display. (they climb right over the glass one that's there)

I did order some things from Premium Aquatics, which were waiting when I returned. I got an Algae Free "Great White" cleaning magnet which I just used to clean the tank. MAN - what a workout. I also ordered an easy blade scrapper attachment for my old Mag Float magnet. It turns out I had some pretty hard growth in some areas of the tank since I was gone for two weeks that required use of the blade. Plus it was nice to use down at the sand bed line without risking scratching the glass. Hopefully now that it's clean I will only need to use the Great White regularly. (plus I've read that an algae scrubber greatly reduces the need to clean the glass)

The great news is the tank looks really good after being gone for 10 days. The fish are all fat and happy and the corals are all extended and nice. I plan on being in town until MACNA in late September so any additions/modification I make to the system will be carefully monitored. FINALLY time to start restocking this baby! I’ve got friends holding corals for me and others have offered some frags from their tanks. I've got a lot of room for growth.

I will see about taking some pictures of stuff as I start to build everything out. I am hoping to make some progress this weekend since I have a lot to get caught up on at work since I was out last week.

Perhaps that glass cleaner I showed you while you were here would help with that strong cleaning magnet. It's a little like Rain-X in that it makes it smooth so the magnet glides with less friction.
Is it the SuperBac Aquarium glass cleaner you mentioned in your thread over a year ago? I started using that when you talked about it then and it works well. I ran out and got a new bottle but have yet to get a good coat on the glass. I forget what you showed me - is there something new you'd recommend?

No, that's probably the same thing. Mine says Reptile Tank Cleaner on it, I think. Let me know if it works better with your cleaning magnet.
Do you ever get the feeling you are being watched? :eek1:

I have enjoyed following your thread and I especially love your webcam. I have to check it out periodically at work to break the monotony. I'm jealous! I wish we had a tank at work to help pass the time. It would have to add a nice relaxing air to the office environment. Sometimes I check out the webcam at home at night but the lights must be set to go out fairly early.

I look forward to seeing your tank mature. I did get to see you doing a little work on it last night. All-in-all the webcam feature is really super :cool: :cool: :cool: