So after the lights were up and moving, I noticed that my female clown fish was a little spooked. She was hovering by one of the accelerators on my return. I was more focused on the lights than her but after about 20 minutes I commented to one of the guys at the office that it was almost like she was laying eggs. I've had this pair of clown fish for almost two years and to my knowledge, they had not laid eggs before. (I wasn't expecting them to any time soon since I don't really feed them that much.)
I walked up and looked closer and that is exactly what she was doing! Here are a couple of shots:
and a close up of them:
The thing I love about my Nikon D90 is it can also take short videos, which I remembered to do this time!
Unfortunately it is on the opposite side of the tank from the web camera so you can't see the eggs, but you can see her tending the nest. (it's the rear accelerator by the overflow box on the right when you look at the tank in the web camera) I set up a point called "Clown Nest" for you to zoom to if someone moves
the camera somewhere else. (see the drop menu at the top)
I'm leaving for vacation for a week this Sunday so I won't be around to report on them or document if they do anything. I'll get my buddy at the office to send me photos so I can keep everyone updated.
Maybe if she keeps this up I'll build a larvae catcher and see if I can't raise a future batch. Landlord is right across the river from here so I might see if he has any insight...