Redox probe reading...


New member
Hi, I calibrated my redox probe yesterday, today more 16 hrs ,the reading is
-512 mv is this ok? is the probe still "adjusting" it self.? I tested the water paramiters and everything is great
Ammonia= o
nitrite= 0.1
Nitrate o.7
Calcium= 478
ph 0
i think it takes a few days to settle in, mine started with a reading of 312 but after a few days it has settled in the 440 range.
Hi, I calibrated my redox probe yesterday, today more 16 hrs ,the reading is
-512 mv is this ok? is the probe still "adjusting" it self.? I tested the water paramiters and everything is great
Ammonia= o
nitrite= 0.1
Nitrate o.7
Ph= 8.4
Calcium= 478
phosphate= 0
No, it has not claibrated correctly OR it is being influenced by a magnetic or electrical field

Calibrate it correctly using the Null plug and then put the probe in a jar of water away from the tank and test again.
Yep thats normal, I did write once a guide about redox, no idea where it went, but one sentance synopsis is.

" a redox probe has to build up ions around the probe tip before it becomes accurate."
My Redox probe need it to be re calibrated, after following your advice,(you said it wasn't calibrated proprely) the next
day it was 410mv. thanks for the help.