I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that 90% of LFS' suck altogether. None of them have great water quality, and I've never seen one that has truly impressed me. Apparantly reef life is one of the better, but I have yet to make it up to Broward.
Atlantis Aquarium on US1 & 143 is decent sometimes, but too farfor me to get to on a regular basis. I'll give them one thing though, their 1300 gallon display tank is impressive. Atleast the size and some of it's inhabitants.
The best place to get corals & fish is from FMAS members and trading with the local community. The best place to get dry goods is online.
Getting water?? Why? The NSW all the stores sells sucks. I switched from NSW that I was using for WC's to mixing my own salt with Tropic Marin Proreef and RODI and my tank has taken a huge turn for the better. Everything was fine before but now it seems coral growth has taken off!