Reef Aquarium

i must have went on three bad days, because when i was there i didn't see much i liked. but i'll give him another chance. and the algae is a problem and i avoid stores w/ algae problems in tanks w/ nothing but corals.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that 90% of LFS' suck altogether. None of them have great water quality, and I've never seen one that has truly impressed me. Apparantly reef life is one of the better, but I have yet to make it up to Broward.

Atlantis Aquarium on US1 & 143 is decent sometimes, but too farfor me to get to on a regular basis. I'll give them one thing though, their 1300 gallon display tank is impressive. Atleast the size and some of it's inhabitants.

The best place to get corals & fish is from FMAS members and trading with the local community. The best place to get dry goods is online.

Getting water?? Why? The NSW all the stores sells sucks. I switched from NSW that I was using for WC's to mixing my own salt with Tropic Marin Proreef and RODI and my tank has taken a huge turn for the better. Everything was fine before but now it seems coral growth has taken off!
I agree fmas members are a great place to find specific things you are looking for, for the most part you are buying from knowledgeable individuals that care for there corals because they are corals that are from there tank.

when i set up my 90 gal sps tank i know that i can bring a coupel hundred bucks to a fmas meeting and come away w/ enough frags to fill half the tank.