Reef Brite lighting

These can be used either way. For example, you could use 4 36" modules on your 65gal tank, and that would give you a little over double the par output of what 4 x T5 tubes would. Or you can just use a strip or two in order to give you supplemental actinic along with metal halide.
For my 30, which will be home to a pair of onyx and a BTA and clones, I have taken apart a TX5 and installed the parts in my canopy as a retro. I am thinking about replacing the T5 with reef brites over time. How many strips do you think I should get?
It depends on the width of the tank. If the tank is 18" front to back, then I would say at least 3 strips, possibly 4.
Its a 30 long, 36x12, so I am assuming 3 strips will do. A species tank for onyx and a BTA. All it will have.

Can I light a 90? My electric bill is killing me