Reef Connections


New member
Visited Reef Connections yesterday afternoon Very nice looking shop, nice tropical rainforest display.... :)

Saw a nice looking Montipora verrucosa wild colony, body a little bleached but nice blue polyps. Asked about price , was told it was not a Montipora, she didn't know what it was but it was definitely not a Montipora.... She also didn't know the price. disappointing as I was interested in purchasing it :(
Ouch! :(

Thanks so much tropoasis for visiting Chico. Hopefully, you maybe ran into a fellow CRC member there too unknowingly. Though the club is independent of the LFSs I apologize. It is one of the goals of the club to increase the knowledge and awareness of the reef hobby. Very disappointing that you were not only misinformed but were unable to purchase the specimen.
Hey Frank, I haven't forgot that you mentioned you wanted some of the Armor of Gods if I frag them, I just managed to finally catch a good case of flat worms in my tank, and have been trying to eliminate them.
So once I am rid of them, and can go a couple of months without seeing one, I have a couple pieces you might want frags of.
But I will e-mail you once I get to the point of being flat wormless, then next time you come up after that we can talk about it.