Algae, Fish and the Chaeto incident
Algae, Fish and the Chaeto incident
So my wife keeps reminding me we are not even at the two month point. A comforting thought when you get into the uglies like we are now. Some of this I can attribute the tank stabilizing some I will blame on my Chaeto incident.
I decided to put macro algae in the sump, Chaeto to be specific. My LFS, didn't carry any so I ordered some from eBay. Of course the week the algae is to arrive my work is hellacious, add to that the we had a cold-snap, into the twenties.
I forgot the Chaeto sitting in the mail box overnight. In hind sight, I should have just tossed it in the trash. Instead, I opened it and pondered-viable? Next, I turned to that expert Google and did some research to see if I should add it. It appeared Cheato was pretty hardy, sure, lets just see what happens and I added it. Why not trust that forum from that random post that says Chaeto can totally handle the cold. Dumb! Why risk the stability of the tank for something like 20 dollars. Well I did and guess what- the Cheato died. I believe it released phosphate into the tank, because soon after my algae blossomed.
I have scrubbed and siphoned, turned out the lights, and got a new ball of Chaeto, all the while still testing 0 phosphate, which I understand is bound to my new sea of green. Bummer. Which brings us back to the uglies.
I was uncertain if this was a phase of the new tank uglies, or something more. I have read time and time again- this to shall pass as the tank matures. Personally, I felt like the algae death created another level of the uglies; I worried it might become a problem that could extend into the future.
Before things got really bad we had decided on a pair of black and white clowns that were available at the fish store in Grand Junction. Again, I used the TTM, and hope we have an ich free tank. I also added a frogspawn that was at the LFS. I promise this was not an impulse buy. I had been shopping for a frogspawn and they happened to have some. I can say with confidence my frogspawn is thriving. I felt it was doing well but after seeing the kin to this specimen still at the LFS, mine looks great. I did impulse buy a bottle of pods, they seem to be thriving. I also bought some rubble live rock, hoping for more biodiversity.
Back to my algae issue, I have a firm plan in place. Unlike my prior efforts I see now I have to be more aggressive to nip this. I ordered a GFO reactor from Bulk Reef and once it arrives I will do the lights out thing. I also got a light clean up crew, a few hermits and snails. I hope these combined will get things back on track. I wonder if the skimmer being lack luster may be contributing as well.
A few random screw-ups: My ATO siphoned about three gallons before I noticed. I now have a siphon break in the tubing just before it leaves the ATO storage tank. I dosed 10 times the amount of Alk, (in my defense the BRS calculator was confusing, thats more story and I'm sticking to it). I was using the wrong dosing media within the calculator.
The water parameters have been excellent. I was testing every three days for piece of mind, but now just once a week. I test everything from Nitrates to Alk. I still need to build my water storage station. Truthfully I have been neglecting other home improvement tasks taking care of the tank, so the water station will have to wait. An hour away I found a fellow hobbyist who sells beautiful frags, over 300 in stock. He GAVE me the Chaeto for my sump. I can't wait to buy some corals from him. This is a huge relief because shipping live stock sucks. Plus, I can see what I am buying in real life verse over a screen.
Even in the uglies the tank is supremely enjoyable. Just today I noticed how much the live rock in the sump has exploded with new life, a new brittle star, a baby mushroom, and pods galore. Our fish are thriving too, and just yesterday I noticed our first spot of coraline in the DT.