Reef Nutrition group buy?


New member
I'm looking into the possibility of a group buy of this to save on shipping. No where in NM carries it :(

This stuff is coral and critter crack :-D

The goal would be distribution at the Sat, Feb 19th meeting.

If you have any interest, feel free to speak up with either comments or simply what they would desire to order. Once I can get some more details, if all looks good, we can firm up on an order etc.
I'm looking at Arcti-pods, Oyster-Feast and Roti-Feast. I just need to decide how much :-D Maybe even tiger pods since my system started out pretty sterile.
How does Reef Nutrition foods differ from a Rod's food? I am trying rods and thought it had a fair amount of good stuff in it.
a major difference with RN is that with RN, you dose what you want and how much you want, and not a pre-determined mixture. I do know that from a physics point of view, freezing causes cell rupture, so in theory, RN is more intact. I'm sure others have asked and good responses have given. I've never used Rods, but have several years of use on RN and it is awesome.
Unfortunately, it seems interest is low. Given that the only real saving is shipping and it is $ based, with this level of interest, I think we are better off just getting it sent directly to our doors.
Unfortunately, it seems interest is low. Given that the only real saving is shipping and it is $ based, with this level of interest, I think we are better off just getting it sent directly to our doors.
how much is it i be willing to try something new if you guys endorse it and it aint too much i already went over my weekly salt budget wife's ****ed but she'll get over it.
CJ, I need to know exactly what you need by Monday.

I'll bring it to the Saturday meet for both CJ and Richard. I'll let you know the exact totals. Bring a little cooler to keep them cold :)
Order placed. See you This Sat!


  • RN order.PNG
    RN order.PNG
    27.5 KB · Views: 4
woot. Came a day early. Good thing my wife was home when the truck pulled up :-D

All in the fridge and my coral/fish are super happy :-D
woot. Came a day early. Good thing my wife was home when the truck pulled up :-D

All in the fridge and my coral/fish are super happy :-D
u fed em all then stuck em in the fridge? how mean bro. poor coral/fish poor frozen coral/fish lol.
They were so excited about the food, they were nuts! I told them to chill ...but can see where this is going.