Reef Safe Puffers


edit- I'll add a little info as to why imo it's none. They eat invertebrates.. they LOVE clean up crews. CUC is a yummy meal to them. I've seen them devour crabs like their made of candy. They also poop ALOT. So there we go, they poop alot + they eat the clean up crew.. who's gonna clean it up? A reef tank can't be a reef tank if you can't have anything in a shell. No snails, No crabs, etc. I've never seen them go after corals and I havn't looked that up.
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I have heard of one or two occasions of Cowfish being kept with corals, but that's not really a puffer, and coral safe is far from the normal experience with them.
Adam, stay away from puffers. Don't add any more things into your tank for now. Let's set up your tank properly. There is too many things that's going wrong with your tank right now. Matt is a hardware guru so he will come and help soon.
Adam, stay away from puffers. Don't add any more things into your tank for now. Let's set up your tank properly. There is too many things that's going wrong with your tank right now. Matt is a hardware guru so he will come and help soon.

Adam- I agree with Richard (siptang). The most valued advise anyone can give you in this hobby is to have patience. Yes, its hard, but necessary in this hobby if you want things to go right.
I dont think he was looking to add it to the little tank, just a inquiry about the big one future stocking. I too have to agree tho the death to the cuc would make it unrealistic.
Reef Safe Puffers

Adam, stay away from puffers. Don't add any more things into your tank for now. Let's set up your tank properly. There is too many things that's going wrong with your tank right now. Matt is a hardware guru so he will come and help soon.

I wish someone would have said something like this to me with my first tank! My avatar says it all, lol.
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