Reef tank manufacturers?

nyone got N suggestions on companies that I could buy a nice slick looking new tank, stand/cabinets, and sump in angood package from? My mind sees the red sea set ups on BRS, so something along those lines. I will consider red sea still, but want to look around. Looking at 110-130 or so

I have looked around at SC aquariums and looks oretty nice
There aren't that many that do full setups like you want and specifically in the size you want..
Red Sea/SCA (go with SCA)..
I have the Red Sea reefer that will be replaced with a tank from SCA. I prefer the standard bulk head fittings.
I've really liked my CAD Lights tank. Sump is garbage, but I got a nice new one. Had it 3+ years, zero issues.

SCA look really nice too.
See, I should have searched before posting. I'm also looking for manufacturers to rummage through for tanks. Yet I may not have asked the question very well.
I do know about reef savvy, Red Sea, Deep Blue, MarineLand, Aqueon, but I'm trying to find a few more as I'm looking for around a 200 that's a little wider then normal. Basically like the Red Sea XXL but I want just the tank not the stand.

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I had a terrible experience with Coast To Coast. Crappy workmanship (similar to others' tanks), sh*tty customer service dealing with it. Ended up cutting off the top eurobracing and redoing it myself. Shouldn't have had to do that on a 6K tank.....