New member
Some interesting things this week:
Diatoms/Silica:-for about the past two weeks I have been getting a heavy dusting of diatoms. My 4 stage BRS RODI unit was still registering 0PPM after the DI, but there was about 25% of the color changing resin remaining. I added a 2nd DI can and a 2nd Carbon can and removed my nearly exhausted DI. I also ordered some Silicabuster to try in the future if the DI changes do not fix it. My thoughts were confirmed by a post by Jason in this thread:
Seems DI lets silicate through when it hits around 60%. I was not aware of this, but thought it could be the resin being near depletion. Anyways the replacement should help.
Algae/PO4/GFO use-I have had PO4 levels up to .5, and started some BRS HD GFO, this brought them down to .13 then back up. Most sources including the BRS instructions say to change out the GFO monthly. This is not enough. It seems GFO works to an equilibrium point, then stops, and possibly goes into a leeching period. That point can be reached in 24/48 hours. Judicious changing of GFO if your battling a "it's coming from the rocks" is needed to get and hold the levels down. It seems that my system is putting about .05+/- a day into the column, so I am changing out GFO about every three days.
There is some decent info in this thread:
I have tried the BRS HD GFO, the TLF Phosban and have some Rowaphos on order. It seems the TLF Phosban pulls a little more PO4 out of the column than the BRS HD GFO, but there is a price difference for that...the BRS is less per point. Still waiting to see how the Rowa does.
I have also cut back on lighting intensity and duration and whiteness. I don't imagine the change in the DI will hurt either.
Potter's and Goby-been in observation since Tuesday. Eating brine, mysis and Larry's Frenzy well. Feeding a very small amount 2x day. Adding Selcon every other day. Both appear very healthy and active. The Potter's has come to recognize me as a 'food source' when I approach the tank and no longer hides but comes out to meet me.
My son spotted the mantis shrimp in the DT last night while we were hunting bad crabs. The mantis is tiny, only maybe a .25 cm, we have not seen him in months.
My chalice was looking bad around the edge, found a gorilla crab hiding out under it...he was relieved of his duties and fed to the cleaner shrimp.:blown: Also found two other 'bad' crabs and they were served for a snack.
I am struggling with the Tunze 6095 and their power for this size tank. Thinking the 6055 model may have been a better fit. To late now.
Diatoms/Silica:-for about the past two weeks I have been getting a heavy dusting of diatoms. My 4 stage BRS RODI unit was still registering 0PPM after the DI, but there was about 25% of the color changing resin remaining. I added a 2nd DI can and a 2nd Carbon can and removed my nearly exhausted DI. I also ordered some Silicabuster to try in the future if the DI changes do not fix it. My thoughts were confirmed by a post by Jason in this thread:
Seems DI lets silicate through when it hits around 60%. I was not aware of this, but thought it could be the resin being near depletion. Anyways the replacement should help.
Algae/PO4/GFO use-I have had PO4 levels up to .5, and started some BRS HD GFO, this brought them down to .13 then back up. Most sources including the BRS instructions say to change out the GFO monthly. This is not enough. It seems GFO works to an equilibrium point, then stops, and possibly goes into a leeching period. That point can be reached in 24/48 hours. Judicious changing of GFO if your battling a "it's coming from the rocks" is needed to get and hold the levels down. It seems that my system is putting about .05+/- a day into the column, so I am changing out GFO about every three days.
There is some decent info in this thread:
I have tried the BRS HD GFO, the TLF Phosban and have some Rowaphos on order. It seems the TLF Phosban pulls a little more PO4 out of the column than the BRS HD GFO, but there is a price difference for that...the BRS is less per point. Still waiting to see how the Rowa does.
I have also cut back on lighting intensity and duration and whiteness. I don't imagine the change in the DI will hurt either.
Potter's and Goby-been in observation since Tuesday. Eating brine, mysis and Larry's Frenzy well. Feeding a very small amount 2x day. Adding Selcon every other day. Both appear very healthy and active. The Potter's has come to recognize me as a 'food source' when I approach the tank and no longer hides but comes out to meet me.
My son spotted the mantis shrimp in the DT last night while we were hunting bad crabs. The mantis is tiny, only maybe a .25 cm, we have not seen him in months.
My chalice was looking bad around the edge, found a gorilla crab hiding out under it...he was relieved of his duties and fed to the cleaner shrimp.:blown: Also found two other 'bad' crabs and they were served for a snack.
I am struggling with the Tunze 6095 and their power for this size tank. Thinking the 6055 model may have been a better fit. To late now.