10 days have passed, the chalice has actually either grown or just relaxed around the edge. It's on the sand bed and started to open towards the sandbed.
I have noticed an emerald crab hiding out near the zoa frag, it does not appear he is injuring them in any way. They are still open and I might have one or two new small ones on the frag, or maybe just little ones that are not opening? I placed the frag on rock rubble and hope I can get them to spread onto the rubble.
Parameters are decent:
Ca 440
Kh 8.5
Mg 1380
NO3 is between 10 and 25, closer to 10 according to Salifert
PO3 is under .3, just a whine, but the hanna checker has a LOT of slop in it...my unit either shuts off through the test or reagent is still in the pack or spilt on the side of the bottle. So I will just assume with all tests that it's around this number.
I am doing about 15 gallons of H2O change a week. I assume that the system total is about 80g with the rock. I am still dosing NoPox at now 9ml/day. Have not really seen an affect to the NO3/PO4 yet, but I worked up to the 9ml dose. The skimmer is running wet and pulling out some stuff. I don't feed much, just an occasional Krill to the pistol shrimp that is waiting for his goby buddy. I wonder if I need to feed something to the peppermint or cleaner shrimp??? Both fighting conchs have reappeared after going sub for a couple weeks.
I did let better judgement go out the door and purchased a wall hammer yesterday at the LFS. I know a lot of people have issues with the wall type...this one seemed pretty heathy and I watched it at the LFS for the better part of 10 days since I bought the other corals. It does have a small area where it was displaced from the remainder of the coral...it's visible in the photo. Brought it home yesterday and gave it 5 min in Coral RX and 16 in Bayer...it looked like it was very unhappy...moved a couple places last night looking for some lower flow and lower lighting....anyways...we will see.
Other than that, I am planning on some stuff from battle corals in the next couple weeks...hopefully the NO3/PO4 will start to come down with the carbon and WC before then. Looking at red/purple stuff.