ReefWaters' 220 Sun Room Reef

So Ive been working pretty diligently on some of these issues recently.

I'm still waiting on my replacement parts for my Vortechs. They sent me the wrong parts but fortunately it did give me enough parts to get a spare wet side running. So the tank only has one return pump and one Vortech right now. My replacement shaft and housing for the PanWorld came in last night so I'm going to work on that as soon as I get a free minute today.

Ive also ordered some replacement MH bulbs to replace the current set that is over a year old.

I got several pounds of Seachem Magnesium salt. I read all about the home made Magnesium supplements and just don't like the risks involved in raising other parameters in the tank like sulfate.

Do-It-Yourself Magnesium Supplements for the Reef Aquarium

I also think I might have found the culprit for the elevated Alkalinity. I have been running Dolomite in my reactor and I might have been using too much. I shut off the CO2 to the reactor and the Alkalinity steadily came back down to the optimum range within a week.

Quote from the above linked article.
"The problem is that for every magnesium ion released from the dolomite, two units of alkalinity are also released:
MgCO<SUB>3</SUB> à Mg<SUP>++</SUP> + CO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>--</SUP>​
Consequently, raising magnesium in this way by 100 ppm will necessarily raise the alkalinity by 8.2 meq/L (23 dKH). The only way around this problem is to add a mineral acid (not vinegar) to the aquarium to reduce the alkalinity, and that may be more problematic than just adding a magnesium supplement in the first place."

Anyway, I'm getting there and very happy with the results. I just have to stay on top of my testing and tweaking my supplement regime.
Thanks Adam76! I'm spoiled now. I cant imagine ever running a salt water tank of more than 50 gallons or so without a fish room. But I honestly could have gone a little smaller! :lol: This is a LOT more tank than I thought it was going to be! :rolleyes:
Can someone tell me how to orient a standard mogul base metal halide bulb? Isn't there a specific direction the insides are supposed to face for optimum performance? I cant seem to find any info on it. I'm probably just searching the wrong words.
Thanks firereef!

Unfortunately today was a sad day for my reef. If you have followed this thread at all you will know that I have very FEW fish. The majority of the year and half that this tank has been running, I have had a total of 5 fish. I purchased a powder brown tang a few months ago and he was doing great until he decided to leap from the tank. That only made me want to buy fewer fish.

But I bit the bullet the other day and purchased a whitecheek tang and a beautiful little 1 1/2" flame angel. They arrived in the mail yesterday and acclimated to the tank beautifully. The flame angel found a nice hiding place and stayed there all night. My six line wrasse was a little annoyed at first but eventually calmed down.

I checked on them this morning and found both new additions hiding in the rock and looking happy as could be. :bounce1:

However, when I got home from work I showed up to a horrific bloodbath! :uzi:

My sally lightfoot crab was enjoying an expensive meal from the Marshal Islands! :furious: The little $%#) had killed and was half way through eating the flame angel!!

I immediately went after it by moving a bunch of corals and rock around and STABBING at it with a net but I couldn't get it! :worried:

Now that I think about it I think the sally was the culprit behind a blenny that disappeared the day after it was introduced a few months ago. So needless to say, I will be removing this crab ASAP! I might make some she crab stew. Or if I'm feeling compassionate that day I'll take it to the LFS. Either way, its done for in my tank.

Any suggestions for catching it? Its a fast little bugger! I'm considering building a small crab trap modeled from the ones that we use to catch blue crab hear in the South. Would chicken wire start to rust after a day in the tank? Where could I find some plastic chicken wire or at least plastic coated chicken wire?
damn...must be pretty good sized. Too bad too since they are so cool looking. I wonder if it did the killing tho. Anyway, you may be able to catch it in something as simple as a jar or plastic tub. you could probaly make a snare baited wth a shrimp and get it that way to. That would give you some satisfaction too! :D
Sally Light Foot crabs are very fast, and if you do a search on here, you'll see that the jury is about 50/50 about them being reef-safe. I've never put one in my reef - the odds weren't good enough for me to do so.

I'm sorry to hear about the Flame Angel - it is one of my favorite fish and totally understand your anger.
Living Room

Living Room




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