ReefWreak's 29g SPS Biocube Adventure!

great build thread Reef. i took ur advice and ditched the tunze 9001 and bought an aquaticlife 115. are u still happy with this skimmer?
Thanks! Short answer is yes. Long answer is that I actually stopped using a skimmer entirely about 4 months ago. I have dragon's breath macro algae which I believe is keeping my nutrient load down.

I'm always on the fence as to whether I should be skimming or not, and any time I run the skimmer for more than maybe 12 hours at a time, I notice that my goniopora shrinks up again. I've always thought it was because the skimmer removed the dissolved organics that the goniopora (and other corals) feed on, though when I really think about it, if the coral reacts negatively after being exposed to the skimmer for only 12 hours or so, probably not long enough to skim the water "clean", I wonder if I have some leaky electricity or something in the skimmer (though none of the other signs are there, i.e. probes going haywire, GFI going off, getting shocked, other corals closing, etc.).

I may explore putting the skimmer on more often, but I've been surprisingly happy with the tank unskimmed. I do have to trim back the dragon's breath though.
Considering a skimmer removes at most 20% of DOCs from the water when used constantly I doubt the goni is reacting to less nutrients. It could however be the higher oxygen content in the water as you would not be agitating at a much higher rate. Stray voltage is also a possibility and it wouldn't need to be much to upset the fish and corals. Less then you woudl think actually. You might not even feel it and it would most likely not be enough to set off the GFI initially either.
Well, at least my crackpot alternative theory has some merit. I'll check with a multimeter next time I run the skimmer.

I actually think the oxygen content is pretty high in the tank though, between the algae processing nutrients always having oxygen bubbles on it, and my vortechs occasionally sucking in water, I think there is reasonably high dissolved oxygen. But who knows. More things to explore!
Perhaps but no algae in the world is going to produce O2 like a skimmer. You just can't compete with that level of turnover and agitation in the tank.
That's a fair point. Dunno, we'll see. I'll play around.

Also something I noticed this weekend that has happened before but I don't pay much attention to it, since it has only happened twice in a year and this is the second time, but if I turn the hood fans entirely off, I have noticed that my white light strand sometimes cuts out. It is surprising to me, I guess one LED overheats somewhere, but the entire heatsink stays pretty cool, so not sure what the deal is. The fix of leaving the fans on is a simple one. Just in the winter when the tank is running the heater anyway, sometimes I turn the fans off since it doesn't heat the tank water over 78 without fans if it's cold, since I might as well use the heat instead of blowing it away.

So yea, white lights string cut out, and I unplugged it, gave it 30 seconds turned the fans on in the hood, and plug it back in and everything is fine again.
The hood fans are really only pulling air through the splash shield. you shouldn't notice too much heat transfer if any by having them run. Yes you are exporting the heat from the lights forcing the heater to make up for that marginal amount but it shouldn't impact the tank heat much at all. The impact on the light strings however...
That's true, but fortunately the PCBs, LEDs, and wiring are all rated to some standard that I'm pretty sure is higher than the "feeling temperature with my hand test results: it feels warm", so that's why I haven't worried about it. I get that on the PCBs/LED stars things can be much warmer than even the heatsink, but I thought they could be passively cooled, but I guess not. Or at least not sometimes?

Though it could be build-up of humidity with the fans or something? Who knows. I haven't seen any evidence of humidity anywhere around the LEDs though, so I doubt that.

Maybe just the PCBs need an actively cooled heatsink to bring down their temperature so they can cool the LEDs properly. I almost replaced the fans last time I had the hood apart, but I didn't because the new fans seemed almost as loud when I ran them in my hand. Not sure if they needed to break in or not. I dislike how loud the fans are.
Good to know, thanks!

I did buy the bearings that work best/quietest on a horizontal, I think ball bearing. I know ball bearing and sleeve were the two options, and then there were different ball bearing count ones. I maximized what I could get for dirt cheap off of fleabay, since I didn't want to spend the money for the vantec stealth fans. (see, I'm still cheap and don't follow my own advice in this hobby of buying once and buying right!)
I dont have a price on quiet. I have spent considerably more for equipment to have quiet. I still might spend even more on a few things in the coming months to be even more quiet with my own build. IE replace the pump on my skimmer with a DC pump.

Hell even my reactors were mounted to my inner stand with neoprene behind the screw plate to deaden vibrations. I also went with the soft silicone upgrades for them for the same reason.
You win on the quiet thing. I'll try swapping out the fans at some point. And I need to clean the return pump, it vibrates too much which is causing noise.

So based on our stray voltage conversation, I figured I'd see how the tank reacts if I put the skimmer back online. As soon as I plugged it in, I watched the tank for a while just to see if I noticed any reaction, since you'd think that a reaction to electrical charges would be instant, but nothing changed instantly. The goniopora is still blowing in the breeze.

The skimmer has been on for about 3 hours now, and is pulling some nice foam, which always makes me happy. I should probably do a water change this weekend....
I too REALLY need to change my water. Thankfully tonight and the upcoming weeks my water change station will be on full duty so I can try to keep up with things.

The weird thing is that my tank looks awesome right now. I have been skimmer free for over a month and no reactor for a couple weeks. The tank just flat out looks incredible right now though. Not much growth recently but colors are popping well.
Hmmm. My colors are actually washing out a little, and I'm getting a little algae on the glass (I clean it every other day, some days I can go 3 days without cleaning it). I've been doing the zeo nano doses, and the first two weeks of using it, I was seeing some FANTASTIC coloration, but now, like 6 weeks later, it's not really looking as good as it did then. Maybe I should be increasing doses. I just don't want to... for lack of a better word... get "addicted"... to more dosing, particularly of expensive proprietary stuff.

I think a water change may help. That's also why I fired up the skimmer, so between the two, hopefully my colors come back a bit more.

Also, worth noting that most colors look fine, my criteria for colors "looking good" is purely just my Strawberry Short Cake frag looking fantastic or not. I won't settle for less than fantastic.

I'm also very happy that so far my Pink Lemonade and Vivid's Rainbow from Cherry Corals haven't died! Very exciting! The Pink Lemonade looked like death after dipping it, my suspicion is that it is a very sensitive coral. I'm hoping it starts to take off though.

And yes, I'll have plenty of frags for you whenever you feel like getting your good hosting graces on ;)
I want a frag of the SSC when this happens....

Yes many corals look like death after dipping but it does serve the purpose...
Whew, it's been a while!

I've been really busy at work (still am!), and I really haven't paid much attention to the tank. Things are still growing like weeds, so that's good, but I'm getting some color fading. I'm going to start skimming again. My glass is almost overgrown with green encrusting algae, so this weekend I'm going to break out the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers that I bought and haven't used and give it a nice manual scrub-down.

I love this Aquaticlife 115 skimmer. I haven't touched it in months, just sitting there in the water. I plug it in, wait 12 hours, and boom, cup full of dark brown tea. Since that's as good as it gets with a nano skimmer, I'm happy. Few pieces of particulate matter in the cup as well, bonus!

Most corals are looking okay, but I think I may turn the LEDs up as well. It's about 11 months since the initial install, and I'm still happy with them, but I wonder if more light can help the corals process some of the nutrient waste faster, letting them grow faster? I know brown can be excess nutrients OR not enough light, but maybe in a "balance of factors" it can be both, that corals can use excess nutrients to grow more if given more light? Probably not, but worth experimenting.

I feel bad, I'm neglecting my tank as much as I'm neglecting my tank thread, but hopefully in the next week or so I'll get things back to normal. I have water change water circulating since last weekend, so I'll do that too after I clean the glass.

Ironically, in this month of no updates, I have received the most PMs from people saying that they read my thread and asking for guidance than I ever have received before. Maybe it's tank season (tax refund season)? I just thought it was funny.

Hope my aquarium peeps are all doing well and busy in good ways, and everyone's tanks are doing well!
It most certainly is tank(tax) season. I haven't updated my thread in a while either and have noticed the same(about the PM's).

Since I have the new tank build going, I've also been neglecting my "cube", but other then some algae on the glass, it looks amazing! Coral growth is off the charts, fish are all fat and happy, and my gorgonian has 4 new branches starting. Intresting how when you stop fussing over things, they seem to be better.
Yea, now that we're all updating our threads less and just participating, the PMs are being divided up :p

I think since day 1 of this thread, I've said that once the tank is mature, the more you leave it alone and stable, the better off it is. I think our tanks are all just getting into maturity though. The first year is exciting and new and different. After that, interest wanes a little bit, you get comfortable, but you really need to keep on top of the tank and not let it go unattended too much.

A quick statement and a picture to share, I have seen a lot more asterinas, even after I went with the bbq skewers and picked them all out. It must be excess nutrients, but there are probably 10-15 of them now, and I regularly see them on the glass. That being said, they are cleaning the glass, so I can't complain too much, but still irksome. As long as they don't eat corals...


Also, that's how my entire glass looks, not just a dirty side panel. I've been lazy/busy/burnt out.

I'll need to clean the glass this weekend, do my water change, and take some updated FTS to show growth. Little pieces are growing a bit, so I'm happy. Stupid pink lemonade frag that I bought from Cherry Corals turned dark again, just like the last one, but at least it isn't dead, so I'm happy.
I need to get back on the water change schedule for the nano. My monti has faded slightly so I need to correct that...