So I might have made a mistake (or 5) and bought some new corals at a Cherry Corals live auction last night... So I need more room for corals. I'm not sure anyone will be able to help me much with this, but does anyone have any thoughts on whether it would be okay to move my right MP10 further up closer to the glass similar to the left MP10?
The right one has been there since the first MP10, right after I started the tank, and I thought a more central location would get more flow circulating through the tank. But now that I have two, I think that if I moved the right one to line up with the left one I would benefit in a few ways:
1. it would increase "clashing" and mixing of the flow from the two pumps, which would cause more "random flow" which is how we used to have to create good flow back in the day before controllable pumps, by just having 2 powerful pumps blow into eachother or the glass. This would potentially be good for coral growth as well as mixing of dead areas and the water column in general.
2. I would be able to plant some of these new corals on the front right hand side, where I haven't been able to before because the flow would shear the flesh off of the coral if I put them in front of the pump (ask me how I know....).
I'm just nervous that I may lose flow in the back of the rocks/tank and it would be a deadzone back there.
For reference, the pumps have been on "Reef Crest" mode now the last 2 months, at about 65% power. I moved it over from their eco-flow setting, because I can see that any of the acros that grew into the flow have started losing flesh only on the side that the MP10 is on, so it must have been too much laminar flow versus when I ran the old pump at reef crest mode, because I didn't used to have that problem. Or maybe when I cleaned the newer MP10 its first time, I replaced it further back than it was before and all of this would be restoring it to it's original location?
Pic for reference: