Nice, congrats dude!
Thank you thank you!
I'll get some pics at some point. Baby looks the same as the one I sent before hbrochs
Nice, congrats dude!
Yep, that's the reality I'm dealing with. I'd love to get them in here, but I'm always worried about them eating everything else.
I'm just upping my vodka dosing too to help combat the algae
You could try a baby crab? Put a bright yellow zip tie on him so you'll be able to find an pull him out when necessary !
I dropped 3 emeralds in mine for this reason and I will spear them later as needed...
You think the corals are just used to the higher salinity and they don't like change?
What if you try to lower it over a longer period of time?
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Rakie, hobby hydrometers arent accurate at all but a good glass lab unit is more exact then refractometers as thry are not reliant on temp or lighting
But yes for the hobbyist refractometer is one of the best unless you want to go digital
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