Refugium Algae as Fish Food


Premium Member
There are some scattered comments regarding the refugium macro algae used for tang food.

What macro algaes are suitable for fish food?

Is the popular Chaetomorpha sp. eaten by any marine fish?

I'd appreciate your guidance and thoughts about the above questions. Thanks!

My tang won't touch chaeto. He does like ulva (lettuce), red/brown graciliaria (tang heaven) and racemosa (grape caulerpa). I haven't tried the caulerpa prolifera yet.

I have enough macro algae in my refuge that everything has slowed down growing. So that the tang has some food, I have taken some of the above out of my refuge/sump and put them in a 10 gallon tank as an algae grow out tank (otherwise known as tang food tank). I sat this tank on the window sill with an air hose for circulation. I add Macro Algae Grow weekly as fertilizer.

Thanks Vickie.

Can I be nosey and ask:
When did you begin your ref?
What did you use to start it up (what did you add)?
What is the substrate of the ref?
If you have any of the following, is the ref before or after?
trickle filter

Thanks again.
Re: Refugium Algae as Fish Food

leebca said:
There are some scattered comments regarding the refugium macro algae used for tang food.

What macro algaes are suitable for fish food?

Is the popular Chaetomorpha sp. eaten by any marine fish?

I'd appreciate your guidance and thoughts about the above questions. Thanks!


My sailfin tang and my foxface both love Chaeto, the hippo tang does not.

I feed them all a variety of caulerpas from my refugium as well.