Remote access via Vyatta Router or UBNT EdgeMAX EdgeRouter


.Registered Member
Just in case anyone uses Vyatta software/hardware, or UBNT EdgeMAX EdgeRouters(based on vyatta) - below is the configuration syntax to configure your "port forwarding" from your external IP to the apex.

You will need to know the current NAT rules, and which order it makes sense in your configuration. Also if you have static IP's, or DHCP on your WAN side.

In my case, my WAN(external) interface is 'eth0', since I have multiple static IP's available from comcast, I will specify my external address. We're also ONLY forwarding port 80.

Destination NAT:
External address of port 80 is translated/forwarded to port 80 (apex)
set nat destination rule 102 description 'Neptune Systems APEX - HTTP access'
set nat destination rule 102 destination address ''
set nat destination rule 102 destination port '80'
set nat destination rule 102 inbound-interface 'eth0'
set nat destination rule 102 protocol 'tcp'
set nat destination rule 102 translation address ''
*If you do not have multiple static IP's, or your WAN interface is set to DHCP, just omit the 'destination address' syntax.

I also have a firewall, thus i'll explicitly allow port 80 traffic to pass: Due to order of operation, make sure the "destination address" is the APEX itself, not your external IP.
set firewall name eth0_in rule 1001 action 'accept'
set firewall name eth0_in rule 1001 description 'Neptune Systems APEX - HTTP access'
set firewall name eth0_in rule 1001 destination address ''
set firewall name eth0_in rule 1001 destination port '80'
set firewall name eth0_in rule 1001 log 'enable'
set firewall name eth0_in rule 1001 protocol 'tcp'

Let me know if any questions.
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