Removal/Transport of Urchin


New member
I am donating a black long-spine urchin to a school that has a 90g tank for the hosting of their Bangai's. He is presently in my 75g reef. I was wondering how you guys would remove this urchin from my tank. I've heard of 2 ways so far - grab a spine like it was a toothpick or use a spatula. Just wondering how you would do it? I will transport in a bucket rather than a bag.
I would use the spatula, slowly & carefully. The spines can break off. Also, if you just use brute force, you can pull their sucker feet off.
I grabbed a spine and then put it on a wet rag(folded many times). It was fine, but be careful your fingers will not slide down the spikes, only up, they have some sort of serrated edge on them.
Looks like I'l be using plastic spatulas/scrapers trying to be gentle where he's attached, with maybe a hand to assist.

So what's up and what's down? Are the spines serrated, or are they barbed one-way?
Thanks for all your help. I waited until hi was on the crushed coral and he came up easy with a spatula underneath and a hand-on-spine at the top. He's in his traveling bucket. Thx again.