Removing Aptaisa's from Clams

I've tried taking them out and scrubing it with a tooth brush w/ no luck since they are wedge inside the crevis. I'm thinking about giving the thick kalkwasser paste a try but worry that it may harm the clam. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Well in this case, I would suggest something that wouldnt hurt the clam. There is a product called Stop Aiptasia, it claims to be reef safe and will not harm inverts, corals, etc. I have seen that LFS here put a little on the clams and it didnt look like it harmed it.

Please wait for some other input before doing this, but I think that direct kalk paste will be like a OD on crack to that clam :)

Where exactly in the crevis? The top part of him that opens or the bottom? Can you post a picture? How big is this aiptasia?
I have heard of "Stop Aptaisa" but with so so results.
I kinda figure that it may affect the clam using the thick
kalkwasser trick. They are located at the top crevice so I have to be extra careful - no dig. camera
I had a maxima that had a hitchhiking aiptasia, I used a dental pick to scrape it out .. much firmer than a toothbrush and you might be able to carefully scrape it off the clam's shell.

Just a thought.
Ok on the top crevice. If the clam closes can you still see the aiptasia? Is it on the inner side of the shell or the outer?