Repair time??


Hi, i must send 6105 on repair(somebody in Tunze company told me so), but thing what interested me is how long it will take for repair it? What i can see is that something goes wrong with pumps eletronics (pump stop working for no reason, after hour or two i barely can turn it on but she works again only 12-24h, ie. pump stop 6 times in last seven-ten days).
Pump is old less than a year (6-8months of working time) works ok till last week. I need that pump, his flow in aquarium, and i asked company for new motor, and i wanted to send them this (broken)one after receiving a new motor, because i really need it, (and beside, i do not see how can they repair it when she is in the plastic). No matter, if there is no other way.. i will send it on repair if i must, but, if possible i would like to know how long i must wait for getting new/repaired pump? I will be very appreciate if you can help me somehow, because when i try to contact them talk email, they do not answered. Thank you

Did you get a response from Regina? I am in USA, I don't know how fast they can do a repair in Germany at the moment because I don't know if they are behind but usually it is very fast within a few days after it arrives. I would suggest calling if possible, you can get a much faster answer this way and maybe explain the situation.
No, i get response from Katja H. but she respond only after you forward my email yesterday, it seems that she was ignore my first three email(thats way i send same emails to you). It is very frustrating when you must send such expensive piece of equipement in far country to someone who even do not like to talk with you about your problem. Beside, i think that is far more fairly that i get a new motor part, than i must send mine on 'repair'. I propose that i will send it after receiving a new one, (like the proof or something) because in that way i will be without flow a shortest time possible.
But it seems that they do not like that option.. Other two options what i got from Katja is; to buy a new motor for cca.150E with transport cost, or send mine on repair and let my aquarium suffer with one pump.. I do not know..i buy Tunze pumps in first place because i was thinking that im buying robust and long-life pump...
I guess that i will send it in Monday, and hope that everything will be ok and that will not last too long.
Thank you for all your help, i always got fast answer and friendly help from Tunze company, (only this time im not sure what goes wrong). Thank you,

We have no excuse, but I don't think Katja was trying to ignore you, it is crazy this time of year because of the factory being closed Dec 24-Jan 4, really until Jan 11 because 4-8 is only for inventory and taxes. They have so much to catch up with that it is crazy and this is also a little my fault, your first email that came to me I sent to Mr. Tunze himself because I thought he should know since the 6105 hasn't had many issues and we need to figure out why this happened. He is the most busy because we are working on many new products right now and usually he takes a week to answer emails right now, usually he writes me on the weekend because he has no time otherwise, some of this delay was my fault.
No problem, i understand.. Probably is my fault too because i do not get spare pump, thinking that if i have two pumps in aquarium, one will be enough to hold flow if comes to problems, but my aq are more than 2m long and corals get bigger(you know how that goes)..
If that is not so urgent i would not bother you, nor Tunze co. I always try to have spare parts for such important equipements..but i did not expect that motor will break. And, i feel even worse because i must send pump in far country while i do not have ability to check the situation. But now i can see things better, and, im glad because i can always contact you and get fast answer and informations what i need. Such good customer service is main reason why i will not hesitate to buy Tunze products again. Thank you, bye.
Thank you, by the way, I have been snorkeling and sailing before in Croatia. It is a beautiful country. Mr.Tunze goes almost every summer with his wife and kids. It is a very long drive from Germany, I remember about 12hrs.
i send pump on repair like we talk, and after long time i wait, Diana Dangl from repair deparpment told me that everything is ok with a pump, that i check me powr supply/wall socket and that they will send it back today??? That sounds like somebody .... me!! I mean, i do not want to be rude or anything, but also im not stupid.. Im eletronics engineer and i understoond eletronics enough to know difference between fail pump or fail/bad power supply..
Btw. pump works about 6-8 months on same power supply/wall socket, like my other pump and equipment. And then, one day it stop working for no reason (every other equipment works ok), also, after that first fail, when i try to turn it on many times, i change few wall sockets, pump pin cables, etc.. and when pump start to working (she works very short until die again, few hours maybe) i can not chang speeds or anything, just like she did not recognize controller at all, and that sound to me that something is wrong with pumps inner eletronics, not my power supply. -- I also try to put pump on wall power socket what in summer i use for my 3kW air conditioner, and if that is enough Amps for him...
Please, if you can help me somehow i do not know what to do.. my corals already bleach a lot because of lesser flow in aq. Can you talk with them or something? If they told me that my new pump is ok, maybe they whant exchange it for some older? Or if i can pay difference for stronger 6205 model and they can keep this one..?? Im willing to do anything, i really need new pump what works ok.. Thank you,
Btw. wall power socket is first thing what i check when any my equipment do not works, and first thing what i do is try to put pump on different socket. I actually try to put it on 3 or 4 socket and she diod not work. And now, Diana told me that pump is ok and that problem is in my power supply??
How that can be? I never heard that el.motor can work 6 months on 'bad' power supply until he stop working. Also, even if that is possible and like they said, my power/eletricity in my whole room/home isnt 'good', why every other aquarium and room equipement works ok?
yes i had teh same problem with one of my 6105, it would run for a short time and stop. I would pull it out of teh water, place it back and it would run for a few more hrs. Phil, the rep for Canada replaced it and it's been working fine since....
Sad thing is that i also know somebody with same problem, and, i also know for surew that something isnt ok with the pump. But one, (very smart women btw), what works in repair department told me that pump is ok??? I do not know, maybe isnt her fault, maybe she just listen directions from his boss, that will not be first case that some company try to save some money on customers..
In any case, i do not know what they try to repair in the first place??? How you can repair/open submersile pump? Who would drill/cut epoxy resin or plastic and then seal it again? I even think that law do not admit such things..
I know that they cannot reapir it and can only exchange it for new one, that why i ask them new but they diod not want to give me. So i expected that they ask me to send it first because they want proof, and i expect that they will give me a new one after that, but now it seems that they 'play' with me a little.
We ask for the old one back for three reasons, to be sure it is not a simple problem like a drive unit or power supply. That the unit was not neglected or modified, for example not cleaned or the connections got wet. And also, because unfortunately people sell the old broken items on eBay and then we end up having to replace it twice.

You are correct, a dead motor cannot be repaired, but often with a new problem the motor will be cut open with a band saw in sections to analyze the internals and try to find the cause so the problem can be prevented in the future.

I know it is probably frustrating but I do all the repairs in the US and probably 40% of the pumps I am sent back need only a new drive unit or cleaning or the customer got the power supply or connector wet and I have also had people yell and scream for a new replacement without returning the old ones and then turn around and sell the broken ones to someone else. We try to make it as simple as possible but unfortunately we have to also protect ourselves a little and I am not saying you would do these things but it does happen so we have to be careful.

I am sorry I did not read your other posts, only the last one. I will try to contact Diana. Leo actually does the repairs, Diana is the receptionist, she contacts the customer and enters the information in the computer, she is very nice and tries her best but she is not a technician.
Also, on 6105 sometimes the only problem is the power connector makes a bad contact, I will ask though and let you know when I get an answer.
You are alway helpfull Roger keep up the good work, it's is very apreciated by the customers, even if it dosent always go as fast as we want sometimes :)

Pavle, I'm sure things will work out for you Tunze makes a good product.
Yes, i understand you, you always help me and that is great, i do not have any compain about that. But, i also hope that you understand me; All that things what you say that is possible to make malfunction: wet connectors or bad power.. i already tell them that something like that isnt possible, whole long story about all that and describe how failure arise first time. Also, i hold my equipement in isolated fish room, i have two Tunze pumps on same multicontroller, their power supply units stand on shelf side by side, also, there are few other things on shelf like meters and controllers. There(on shelf or whole that small room) could not incur any mechanical damage due to external influence (that somebody spill water or something), i do not even let my mom to go there to clean ; )
Beside, i already try to put pump on second power supply of other pump(same unit) few times, and try to put pump on few different power (wall) sockets. And now somebody in repair department decide that failure was in fail power supply and they will send me a new power unit??? How that can be possible??
Not to mention, from the day one i bought it, the pump did not recognize feed timer button, never. I try two different multicontrollers. And when i ask them did they test it, they told me that every function works fine....???
I do not want that you take me wrong, nobody will be happier than me if pump will work ok now. But knowing all that im too afraid that will not. I can wait to receive it, but what then? Pump works ok 6 months before failure arise. What if pump stop working again after a week/month? I must send it on repair again, i already pay 30E for sending + before i can receive shipement, i will must pay customs and post services because we are not in EU. And if i must send pump in Germany again, that will be 70-80E at least. Then it seems that will be a lot better that i took new motor for 150 like Katja propose first time i contacted Tunze, and avoided all troubles i have now..
Boboxx- yes, Tunze make a really good pumps, one of the best, thats way i decide to buy them in first place. But no product that human made is perfect, even Apollo had flaw, and they have really good engineers; )
Back to pump; i really do not know how such malfunction can arise and they go away, without any eletronic repair. Especially when i try second power supply and they now said that failure was in power supply... Only thing what come in my mind (and im not really sure about that) is; when motor block hold something other beside el.motor itself, some eletronic device like chip or something, then maybe can be possible that when he was disrupted (again, b/c bad power supply??) pump didnt work and after reseting it will work again. But then, i already try to plug and unplug pump many times, every time i change position and sockets, etc..

I don't have an answer, Diana emailed me yesterday that Leo did every test and ran it for several days with no problems, my best guess is that the power supply has a tip that is with a smaller diameter so if the cord is moved a little it breaks contact, I have seen this before. I can only say that we have had very few problems with the 6105, most being just calcium build up or power supply/connection problems that can be repaired. The 6105 has a much more solid internal construction than the 6101 did, for example the coil is now double lacquer coated and all internal connections are soldered, not with mini plugs as in the older 6101. Leo has been with the company for so many years and he is who taught me and so I have to trust he did everything proper.
Ok, no problem, i will wait and see what will happen. I really think that problem is not in power supply. It is possible than power suplly 'burn out' or have problems with contact, but, i try to use power suplly from my other pump and this one put on that second pump, few times, and other pump works ok and this one is not?!!? That trouble me most, i already try 'new' power suplly and pump didnt works. Also, sometimes when i was be able to turn pump on after many attempts (unpug it, waiting, changing sockets, power s., waiting again).. pump works but it works on 100% of speed all the time, ie. did not recognize multicontroller at all, maybe such malfunction can produce fail power supply but why then it didnt works with p.suplly from other pump?...
6105 is good pump, but its not perfect, some other people have problems too. I also had three nanostream 4500 before year or two, beside problems with holder what i repair on my own, shaft on all of them break after year or two of use, and, like you already know, their shaft is permanenty bound with housing so it cannot be changed. I never mention that or ask refund, because they are much 'cheaper', but i also see few scratches on 6105 titanium aloy shaft after it stop working first time and i dismantle it (i mention that to Katja n Diana), i know that 6105 is much better and 'stronger' pump than nanostreams but i just wanna say that is not nearly to perfect, at least, isnt that batch i got. Like i said, i can wait and see how it will work now with that new unit what repair department sent me., i just do not like thought that if pump stop again, i will must send it in Germany again..
No matter what happen with that, you always want to help me and provide me a really great customer service, and i thank you for that. Thank you