i was very busy last week, so i didnt switch it on until yesterday... And guess what, just like i afraid, pump dnt work correctly. Repair deparpemenrt send me a new power supply unit(btw, i already repair two old p.suplly unit on my own, electrolytics and starter was dies so i change them). Pump 'work' like it works when troubles was started, ie.., pump works like a non-controlable Tunzes, do not recoignize controler at all.
And how i would not be frustrated now??
I ask Diane; 'beside new power supply what they put on pump, do they checked all pump functions, all modes, speeds, foodtimer?
(and last one did not work from day one, i try on two different multicontrollers but foodtimer didnt works at all from first day i bought the pump)'
And she answer me; 'please wait until your pump is with you and in your aquarium. We have already checked your pump in a longterm running and it definetly worked fine.'
And what i can do now?? Send it back to Germany, (and its not my fault in first place, but hers). Problem is definetely in the pump itself, i try put it on two different multicontrollers, different cables, etc.. And nothing, pump do not recognize controller at all, any function of it. I can change speeds only if i manualy turn little white screw on pump main cable.