Repair time??

I would think in this case if you email Diana they will find a better solution than paying to send it back. Also for Stream 2 shaft it is already planned we will change for 316TI to Titanium Grade 2 at the end of the summer so this will be improved soon.
Pump arrived today, but i didnt have time to open the package and install it, i have pretty much work to do, but i will install it this weeklend for sure, tomorow or day after. I hope that it will work now, but if it doesnt, i will contact Diana to tell her. Thank you very much for everything, bye
i was very busy last week, so i didnt switch it on until yesterday... And guess what, just like i afraid, pump dnt work correctly. Repair deparpemenrt send me a new power supply unit(btw, i already repair two old p.suplly unit on my own, electrolytics and starter was dies so i change them). Pump 'work' like it works when troubles was started, ie.., pump works like a non-controlable Tunzes, do not recoignize controler at all.
And how i would not be frustrated now??
I ask Diane; 'beside new power supply what they put on pump, do they checked all pump functions, all modes, speeds, foodtimer?
(and last one did not work from day one, i try on two different multicontrollers but foodtimer didnt works at all from first day i bought the pump)'
And she answer me; 'please wait until your pump is with you and in your aquarium. We have already checked your pump in a longterm running and it definetly worked fine.'
And what i can do now?? Send it back to Germany, (and its not my fault in first place, but hers). Problem is definetely in the pump itself, i try put it on two different multicontrollers, different cables, etc.. And nothing, pump do not recognize controller at all, any function of it. I can change speeds only if i manualy turn little white screw on pump main cable.
So, im 100% sure that tehnician only check did pump work at all or not, she didnt work, so he put new power supply and thats all. Pump works, but on 100% of power all the time, (not able to change speeds), and he probably didnt put his hand in testing aquarium in front of the pump, to check did speeds changes or not. How else he can check that? only if he cut/open the pump and test eletronics directly, and he didnt do that, because then he will must send me a new pump, and, like it seems now, they try everything just that i dnt get a new, properly, working pump. If i want pump what cannot change speeds/goes to controller, i will buy double cheaper pump in the first place, dnt I??
Before half or so hour 6105 pump stop working after three days of working!!!
Even with new power suplly... it cannot be problem in power s. my other pump works fine...
Diana claim that problems is in multicontroller (before claim that is in p.suplly??) but pump dnt work even when i unplug it from controller and my other pump works fine with him for years. I even try different power suplly (now i have 3 of them) and nothing, 6105 dnt work.
Btw. Diane ask me not to post here but i think that is fair that everbody can see what happening with repair department and how their tehnician 'try' to repair something what cannot be repaired.
I am sorry, but you are not being fair, and I will not continue to help you in this way. You are putting me in an uncomfortable position where in helping you I am harming my company and in fact my teacher, Mr Michele, it is very possible a mistake was made and I referred Diana to your thread and asked that she help you, but this is unfair and improper behavior and I will not respond further. We make our best effort to do repairs, but we do occasionally make mistakes, I cannot say as I have not seen your pump, but Mr Michele is the main technician and trained me so I have to believe he did his best.
I understand why you have problems, and why you say that im not fair, but i hope that you also understand why i must post here.
I told Diana all that in last email before two days, and i dnt know what happened, i dnt say that tehnician do that on purpose, maybe he must lisent orders from top or have so many work to do so he cannot get all that so fast, but truth is that someone didnt do his job right. I know that power suplly-s dnt live long like motors itselfs, and in 90% they usually fail, not motor blocks, and probably someone conclude that this is happen in my case too. Espeially because i didnt send p.suplly together with pump (i didnt do that because i pay less for shiping when i take out magnets and suplly, and that was my mistake, i admit) Btw, they decide to send me a new motor block, so im satisfied with that solution and thread can be closed, i dnt have anything other to say beside that i thank you. I know that you always helped me as much as you can and im sorry because it came to all that.. And, I really always have great experience with company and customer service in the past.
Best regards,