New member
How cute is my dendro? He came with the pre-owned 75g we bought in May. He only had seven polyps and was so unhealthy when I brought him home. His polyps barely extended, and his skeleton was infested with what I can only describe as white, $#%@ millipedes. They lived in burrows in his exposed skeleton, and when I fed him, they would rush out and start attacking his polyps, biting his tentacles and crawling right into his mouths to rip food out. Over the course of a couple months (I gave him plenty of time to recover after each session), I would remove him from the tank, put him in a bowl of tank water, and inject the tiny burrows in his skeleton with Melafix, and scrape all the millipedes out before using coral putty to seal up any cracks or holes in his skeleton. I removed at least 15 millipedes per polyp.
This is him the first week:

Here he is a few weeks later (look how much happier he is from his daily feedings!):

And finally, here he is today:

He's getting really overgrown (he has 19 polyps now!), so I think I'll have to "prune" him this summer. For some reason they decided to grow new polyps all in the same spot, so now the "baby" polyps are all smooshed into each other.
This is him the first week:

Here he is a few weeks later (look how much happier he is from his daily feedings!):

And finally, here he is today:

He's getting really overgrown (he has 19 polyps now!), so I think I'll have to "prune" him this summer. For some reason they decided to grow new polyps all in the same spot, so now the "baby" polyps are all smooshed into each other.