reseal a 55 gallon?


New member
how hard is it to reseal a 55 gallon tank is their a certain way to re do tanks? any help thanks:confused:
Not Hard at all, Silicone GE 1, Tape, preferably electical, And a steady hand is all, > Oh yeah a razor Blade to rid the old silicone. Make sure you get a seal in the seam and a good bead on the inside, Smooth it with your finger and your done let it set for 2 days or so and fill it with fresh water check for leaks and your done. Easy.
Reefdaddy1 said it all. The only thing I would add is to use latex gloves when working with silicone, the UNPOWDERED gloves. No skin oils to mix with and weaken the joints. And make sure you get all the old sealer off.
get ALL of the old silicone out... I mean ALL.. new silicone does not bond to old... I just did my 90 last night, an it was a PITA!
Have built over 50 tanks for frog vivariums. Perfecto or All Glass Silicone gives a much stronger bond than GE silicone I or II.