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I just got a 1073.040 recirculation pump. I need to restrict the flow a bit, maybe 10-20%. I happen to have an extra ball valve, which I could use for restricting the outlet, but the pump also has its own restriction mechanism on the inlet side, which was a bit surprising since restricting the outlet side seems to be the generally recommended option. So I can do it either way - does it make a difference which way I use for this fairly small restriction?
Of course my calculation is based on the official pump performance diagrams, so it could be that after a while (hoses getting dirty etc.) no restriction at all is needed - in that case the ball valve might become redundant.
Of course my calculation is based on the official pump performance diagrams, so it could be that after a while (hoses getting dirty etc.) no restriction at all is needed - in that case the ball valve might become redundant.