return pump for my new build


New member
Im setting up a 57gal rimless with custom drilled herrbie overflows in the center and 2 drilled returns, one on each side so i dont have that huge overflow box that comes with it.

My sump will be an eshopps r300 sump/fuge

Im looking for the lowest energy consuming return pump

I was looking at the tunze and the new DC pumps, any suggestions?

Thanks guys!
I used a Tunze 1073.020 on my 57 with dual returns for a year or so, was great and perfectly quiet. I only up-sized because of running various reactors off the main line but I would highly recommend them.
Not sure, they come with the reef octopus skimmers. I'm planning on using a 5000 for my return (have it, just not set up yet). They get good reviews for being quiet and efficient.