return pump what size?


New member
what size return pump would i need? this is what i have over edge sipon 600gph a 4'4'' drop to sump 20g with a 10 gal refug on the side. i want to feed the refug with my return pump.
thanks for any help!!
I assume this is on your 75g? I would gravity feed your fuge from your drain. T-off of your drain line and have some of the flow go into your fuge then drain into your sump. Or were you talking about your fuge being above your display and draining into your display?

I ran a Mag 9.5 externally on my 75 and loved it. It's more pump than you need but you can ball valve it down (after the pump).
I am going with just a mag 7 on my 75. And like Hollback said, tee off the return and set your fuge above the sump. I think you have enough room under the tank in your stand to do it.
And don't forget, no matter what size pump, no matter what size it is, they still drain a tank onto the floor fairly quick if your return line comes off. lol

Just thought I would throw that in there sense its not set up yet and its a
Your fuge doesn't actually have to sit above your sump. The water level in your fuge just needs to be higher than your sump water level. The tanks can actually sit next to each other.