Alright, Sunday nite update. A couple ups, a couple downs. Hoping I finally bit the nudi issue I was having in the bud damn you montis! I found an adult a little while back, superglued the heck out of the piece, and dipped it in revive. I've seen 2-3 over the past few weeks but this Friday I found a juvenile which I appeared to have caught before it could lay eggs. I inspected all the pieces, superglue'd the underneath and dipped them in revive. So far I've only really had issues with 1 piece taking serious damage but it appeared to be more from it freaking out due to the nudis chomping on it, then the nudis chomping on it. Once I removed them it appears to now be healing (slowly..but healing).
I also had a problem with one of the aussie acans showing signs of stress on a single polyp the rest of the piece was fine. So I dipped it in revive, fragged it, moved the piece to some where that was easier to feed, and fed it that nite. It seems to be doing ok at this point in time.
Did a 10 gallon water change this morning, and then tested my parameters in the evening. Not sure if the NSW is that much lower in Alk or Mag but I had to buff both up tonight. I was also having issues with the temp of the tank getting a little warmer then I like due to the new light so I raised it up some. (Which I think my have caused the issue with the 1 acan)
Decided to remove the magnet from the side of my skimmer, and put it on the back. I've been worried about how it was slightly leaning effecting the skimate. It was a pita, I can't prove it improved anything just yet, but I feel better with it being level, and having easier height adjustable with the magnet on the back.
On the plus side, I managed to glue down on the great frags I picked up the other week, also nitrates are down to less then 1ppm!
On the "*** did I do side" of things I let my self get carried away with a sale @ extremecorals. So I have 4 niece acros showing up on Tuesday. I'm a little worried I won't have room as these aren't frags (but I'll make it work). I need to remeber I have a 34gallon, not a 500g w/a 60 gallon frag tank. I have to be alot more selective, there was 2 corals that was a must have..the other 2 I needed to get free shipping hahaha (they are awesome to though!).
Basically, years ago I traded for a frag from the "nfs" acros at tongs in fountain valley. It was a neon purple, cream base with neon green polyp acro.. Sadly I lost it..but It appears that one of the acros I'm getting from exterme (unless there photos are way off) is the same one. It's always been one of my favorite acros and I'm looking forward to getting it back.
Anyways with that said here are some new photos w/the new light setup. It's not nearly as blue in person as is showing up in the photos, but I don't feel like colour correcting them, and didn't white balance before I shot. The bulb is a reeflux 20k, and I'm using the ATI Fiji Purple in the back, and the ATI Blue++ in the front..
Bubblegum millie
some montis
Sapphire millie