I posted some pictures with the 50 mm 1.4 reversed and over kenko extension tubes... in this thread check it out. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=1185997
Mind you this technique will give you very limited deapth of field and your subjects have to be really close (few cm) to the glass. also you will have to manuall focus and set exposure.
Extension tubes (Kenko automatic ones) still a low the camera to communicate with the lens and threfore set exposure and autofocus(that is in case the lens is not reversed on the extension tubes), however at such magnification ratios focusing is really difficult and you will have to manually focus by bringing the camera to the front and back, For me a focusing rail and a very sturdy tripod is a muct when reversing the 50 mm over the whole set of extension tubes.
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