Reviews on TruVu aquariums?


Hi, I'm thinking of purchasing a new 125 gallon aquarium from TruVu.
I'd be interested to hear any reviews, feedback etc. on this company and the build quality of their aquariums.

Or, if anyone has another acrylic manufacturer they'd recommend, I'd be interested in hearing about them too.

Here is my recent review of Envision Acrylics:

It's definitely worth it to at least give James at Envision a call. He is a really nice guy and easy to talk to. Yes, it will probably be more expensive for the tank, but imo, it's worth it. I called TruVu when I was shopping too. There is probably a big difference in thickness of acrylic used. My 105g corner pentagon is 1/2" acrylic, TruVu's version was 3/8".