Rhinecanthus Cinereus

he told me the same..but that is purely a guess based on a slight color differntiation...i wouldnt risk it...they are both way too big....it would be brutal...maybe if you had 25,000 gallons....
ps...he also had a 3inch Clarion that didnt make it to his website...sold locally...wish I had a chance to grab that....
My water is back to normal so I will be taking a trip to yonkers today.can't afford a clarion right now but I see one in my future.I'm definatley getting the big one cause my giant hawk is a PITA and will aggress smaller fish
cool, good luck with him and post pics...my sohal has become a pita again...was very cool after I added the Cinereus...now, he is back to his old pita ways...may yank him tonight...
lol, why I am going to wait until tonight...about 4 hours after lights out...

How did that work out for you?

My giant hawk has left my Cinereus alone but has been messing with my male crosshatch making it dificult for him to settle in .I'm not sure weather to yank the crosshatch or the hawk?
I didnt do it...been feeding more...put in a bit more rock...things settled down a bit...but, I still dont trust himj and will get him out...get the hawk out...