Premium Member
really depends on the two fish and their personalities...(I would get them as small as possible- better chance to get "sane" larger trigs later) ime lagoon trigs have been very mellow, but I know of some who have had crazy humas, bursa, rectangulus etc...I have kept a few rhinecantus together, found def. the bigger the tank the better, also keep them very well fed, and put lots of hermits and crabs in the tank to keep them preoccupied and busy, any time they are not focused on each other is baby rectangulus is in qt and will go into big tank soon, and my 4 in huma (who is now 4 yrs old, such a slow grower) in my 250 will eventually go into the qt and then big tank...when those 2 are in the big tank I will one of every lagoon, rhinecanthus, trig I know of...(no abysus, though with the Narcosis that Rufus just got, I imagine we will see one soon) will let you know what happens, lol...though my hope is that the sheer size of the Cinereus is so intimidating that the others will continue to be mellow, the Sohal is still being nice, well shall see...hey humaguy great pics, impressive collection you have. thank you...
can you answer a Q for me, do you think a rectangulus will be ok to keep in the same tank (180) as a regular picasso without any aggro long term ?