From looking at your picture I see two types of Rics. I see in the foreground behind the green Discosoma, a Florida ric that has split. And behind, a little further up the hill there I see a Yuma. Are these the two rics in question? If so the only thing they share is the first name Ricordea. They are nothing alike in terms of difficulty to keep or ease of reproduction. Thats a beautiful spiky healthy looking Yuma you have. The Florida in the foreground will split often. Yumas, on the other hand, will form little babies by either slowly creeping in a direction and leaving a present for you behind. Or they can extend an edge of their foot like dripping candle wax which will eventually seperate and form a baby. Or very rarely I've seen pictures but never had any of my Yuma's form buds up on their topside which eventually seperate. Yuma's also spawn, having eggs etc, super rare event and your doing things right if they do. One thing Yuma's almost never do is split unless it's with a razorblade. Another thing I've personally seen but not heard before was they form another pedal disc on the underside of their disc. Extend and attach to another point their disc can reach, so they would have two attach points and become sort of elongated. After a period of a few weeks they release and presto, another new yuma forming.
What I do is feed my Yuma's frozen mysis shrimp. Your florida will love them too, mine do. Use a turkey baster and target feed a couple times a week. Yumas are more solitary and grow slower and tend to scoot away from each other, so this will help yours out a little bit. He looks great though.