Rimless 200 gal cube tank

steve the plumb

In Memoriam
would you buy a 40x40x30 rimless cube tank.Maybe this isn't the forum to ask.I know someone who is selling the tank.Its brand new I will ask him to take a pic.Its dirt cheap and built by someone who is a good tank builder.The guy built these tanks for a university then they changed there minds.The price is super cheap but I haven't even finished my 300 gal setup yet.Its a very tempting offer.
MY friend is selling it for dirt cheap.I have called him up.I am expecting his call.I will PM you.I am considering buying it but I will wait to see what it looks like.If it is well made I may pick it up.If I don't buy it and you want it I will give you the info.
If the price is right and you have the space I say go for it. Fill it and if you get any abnormal deflection then drain it and put bracing on it. A 4" wide eurobracing 3/4" thick would be about $150 in material cost for that tank and would hardly make a dent in your overall openness of the top.....
I saw a pic its a nice tank.It is rimless but it has 2 pieces og glass ovr the top as a brace so I don't know after seeing a pic if you can call it a rimless tank.Its $300 1/2" glass
no i have to finish my 300 gal build thread first.I am out of money so it will take some time before I can afford to do anything with the tank.I will have to pick it up soon.I want to keep it as a quarantine tank so I am not going nuts with it.I don't think my wife will be very happy with it.I wouldn't mind doing a live rock with fish only tank either.More simple to take care of.