ringing from tunze driver


New member
Getting a high pitched constant squeel from my 7240.26 driver that runs my tunze 7100's.

blue box that connects between the power transformer and the pump.

one is running fine, the other has this squeel.

took it apart and see nothing wrong. no significant water or salt got into it.

1-any fix you can think of
2-where do i send to get fixed


its prolly alarming because of calcium deposits on the impeller/inside the pump itself. you might try a toothbrush and vinegar scrub/soak. works like a charm for me.

unless the driver really did get wet-> "no SIGNIFICANT water or salt got into it." ?? hopefully we're talking NONE
On page 48 of the manual, be sure part 3f are free of part 3g. These should not be stuck together and this is the most usual problem.
not certain I know where my manual is. Is there one on line or can you give me guidance where to find the parts you are speaking of I need to be sure are not stuck together