Okay, time for me to chime in.. First off..
If you dont live in Alaska you have no clue what our water is like!
Our water during the winter can easily push 30 degrees or lower, and only gets to about 38-40 during the summer.
Now, lets talk about that for a second. Water freezes at 32 degrees right? Yes and no!!! Pure water (H2O) will begin to freeze at 32 degress if standing perfectly still. I don't know about you, but we don't have pure H2O up here. If we did I wouldn't be looking for an RO/DI now would I? Also, I hope to god that my water isn't standing still. This is also why on really cold days you have to leave you water trickling in your faucet so it doesn't freeze.
To prove this point lets look at an example. If you live where there is snow an ice, you will notice this. It can be sunny outside and 15 degrees and the ice and snow by the street or on your house is melting. Yes, I know there are a lot of factors such as the sun's reflection, impurities, risidual heat, etc. but that is my point. There are a lot of different factors.
Next, if you don't know what the cost of electricity is in Alaska, dont try to tell me it wont be that much $$ per month. I am not saying you are very wrong, but it would be approx 7.53 per month. Not the few $$'s you were stating. I am not saying that $7-8 would break the bank as if it did... I am in the wrong hobby!
Waste water is not a problem up here as we don't pay per gallon. We pay a flat fee per month for as much water as we can use. Another thing that a simple search would have told you.
Basically all I am really trying to say, is before you start running your mouth telling people what to do and how to do it... Try a little bit of research..
Now, to clear up a few more things... I am not saying the FD makes bad filters, they are just not the quality that I personally would like in a RO/DI. I give you props for at least taking the initiative to use a RO/DI. That being said, if you are on a very tight budget and that is all you can afford.. Then get it.. Just know that in the long run your operating costs will be higher. At least you are using something other then tap water.
Do I think that air water ice makes a better RO/DI unit? You bet, hands down..
Think of it this way.. If someone offered you a brand new typhoon III or a brand new FD RO/DI.. Which would you take?
P.S. And no we dont live in Igloo's
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6952786#post6952786 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JimR
The heater wont run constant = The heater will not be on continuous.
Since we were talking about heaters and Power Heads, = PH
I think you knew what I stated, you just wanted to act ignorant.
So what? I proved the point it shouldn't cost him morth than a couple dollars a month to run it 24/7, not the BUNCH of money you stated.....re-read my post.
Water freezes at 32 degree F. You wont find running ICE coming out of his faucet. ROFL.... Even in Alaska, I dont think the cold water will be much less than 40 degree F.
Re-read what you stated above and then honestly tell me who's giving bad advice and NOT thinking things through....like your 30 degree ( or less ) ice running faucet, your HUGE Cost to run something 70 watts or less for 24/7.