Rock Bottom Crude


New member
Has anyone used the rock bottom crude that PA sells? I'm thinking about buying some to put in my fuge and perhaps in the main display as a "jump start". I'll be using some base rock and topping that off with some LR, probably TBS but maybe just Fiji. It will be going in my redo 75G with sump and 10G fuge. How much should I buy?
I wouldn't suggest putting it in your display. Perhaps Jay or Jeremy could help you out, but if i'm not mistaken I believe this stuff is pretty brown in color although tons of good bacteria, etc. I'd say a pound of two to see a sand bed in your 10g fuge.
Our crude does have a really good amount of diverse life forms, and is perfect for getting a sandbed going! It is as mentioned pretty funky and nasty looking, and not something I would recommend as topping off for the display. If you are putting a sandbed in the display that is fairly deep though you could always scoop out a "hole", pour in the crude, and then cover back over if. I have personally done that, so have quite a few other people and it works out pretty well.
