RODI Spectrapure - Refurb


Hi all,
Setting up the RODI. Took the recommendation of this site and got a refurbished spectrapure 90gpd.

After following all instructions I am still showing 9 tds after DI. I ran a few gallons through the DI as directed and since it has gone down from 13. I will continue to run a few more in hopes of getting down to 0...

Is that an acceptable range? From what I have seen most people are at 0.

Also, my input water is 165 tds and I am getting 60 psi.
hmm... well now we are down to 7 from 20 more minutes of letting it run. Ill give it another 20 and see if it keeps going down.

I thought I read something about making certain the DI membrane is in correctly. And before I started I made sure it was in all the way. It is very snug. Lets see what happens.
I have the same unit and I get 0 tds out of the di stage. Are you sure your reading after the di stage? The way my tds meter came wired from the factory had the output just after the ro membrane. Also 60psi sounds a little low. I think they recommend at least 65psi but I could be wrong on that.

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I have the same unit and I get 0 tds out of the di stage. Are you sure your reading after the di stage? The way my tds meter came wired from the factory had the output just after the ro membrane.

well that would be a valid reason too.. One would "assume" someone could see that... But "*** u me" :spin2:
DSM Reefer.... The output (blue line) is hooked up the the port labeled "out," but it is directly about the carbon filter ( third chamber.) Ill take a pic and post it....

Just curious about where I would re-wire it to come out of the DI unit.
It appears carbon goes into DI (through the plastic cap?) and then the DI splits for reject and then goes through the plastic cap of carbon to the output.


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hmm. The manual Says that output on the front is the DI output... But why is the black line running from the second chamber to the DI??
The top is the RO membrane.. Not DI..
Its plumbed correctly..

And you just have a handheld TDS right?
mcgyvr... you are correct.

I just got off the phone with them and they asked the same thing. I am using a hand held.... He said the water needs to be moving with the handheld ones and to overflow a glass.... Which I am doing and its still reading 7. So now I am curious that maybe not enough water is moving for it to be accurate. I will try a small glass.

any other suggestions?
ok..when poured it is 0. Promise I am not as stupid as this post lead you to believe.

Now to rinse sand and Rock. Cycling begins this weekend.

Thanks everyone for the help. And for the money this Refurb looks brand new.
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I don't think anyone is assuming you are stupid, I certainly am not :) just throwing that out there. After seeing the pics that one is a little different than the one I have. I don't think that one comes with a tds meter built in (at least as far as I can see). I should of asked but I assumed. When I bought mine it was the only refurbished unit available online. This is the reason I assumed it came with one built in.

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I have never heard of having moving water for the hand held ones. I don't know where they got that from. I've been using them for 20 years and I've never seen instructions that say that. Pouring water over it may give you a false reading.
DSM - Mine is the 90 GPD refurb. It doesnt come with an in line TDS meter.

OPUS - Well they are a filtration company, I am sure they know what they are talking about.

Has anyone else heard of needing flowing water for an accurate reading with a handheld?
hmm. I will definitely be calling them today after work to do more troubleshooting.. I hate that it gets all the way down to 7 but no further.
Never had to have flow on mine either. Just as mcgyvr said, I put mine in a glass of water and it give it a minute. It always reads 0 tds.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Hmm. If I cant get this straitened out by the weekend it will delay me cyclling this weekend... :headwalls: frustrating.. but I guess its always something.
So I was thinking...

As touched on briefly earlier in the thread. I had confused the DI and RO membranes. (I thought the DI was the one on top, not the third in line.)

In the "break in" instructions it says to remove the DI and let it run for an hour.....

I removed the top one not the 3rd chambered one when I ran for an hour...

Is it possible that since the RO was not run for a full hour it is not fully primed/broken in?

Granted, I did run it close to 30 mins last night and it didnt seam to drop below 7. Worth a shot?