Roppongi Aquarium Event


New member
Matt, Dana and whoever else will be near the area next weekend,

Roppongi Hills is holding their annual aquarium event next weekend.

Here is the website:

Quite a few stores participate from what I hear.

Since I live by the area, I do plan on going, but I thought it might also be a good excuse for a get-together.

Would you guys be interested in going? I have a few transactions closing Friday, but I should be available that weekend.

Please let me know! :D
you guys get the better car parts, the better tracks to drive on, more fish stores, aquarium events, you say your jelious of us living down jelious of you living up there.
I've lived in both places, and while I miss many things from Tokyo, I have to say I'm happier here. My tanks have never been as healthy either.

Let me know which weekend, I'll be up there later this month!
It's this upcoming three-day weekend. Do you think you can make it? :)

I'm not sure that we have more stores up here though. It would seem like the livestock would be better in Okinawa.
Well, seeing how you are of the female gender, I don't know how my girlfriend would react to, "Dear, this is the girl I've been chatting with on the reef forum...". I could hear it now if I went solo, "So you met the girl that you've been chatting with on the reef forum???" :(

If I can get my new T5's up and running, I can consider it. Until then, MIKE is on my poopoo list, and riding comfortably in the #1 spot. :mad:

I will have to see how the week plays out. Will check back and let you know.

Since I'm already number one on Dana's list, when has having a girl friend ever stopped you from meeting another girl? Don't make me tell stories in a public forum Dana! :lol:

I hope you get your lights figured out soon!

Sangogo, I'm not going to be up ther until the 24th, so I'm afraid I'm going to miss it. Maybe another time!

Let me know when you get in. We could always meet up for a bit. I love meeting people who share the same hobbies. :)

Stories are good!

And anyways, Dana, you could always bring her along. Or I can try to bring a male along as my "date." Hehe.
Well, I got the lights working and mounted in the canopy. I still have to drill out some slots to allow for the wiring, poly the canopy, and mount the ballasts. I guess I should add some fans too, since 6 of those bad boys put out a little heat. Thank goodness I ordered 4 each, 3" IceCap fans. Surely MIKE will want 2 for his tank. :rolleyes:

Still don't know about this weekend. Maybe we could all meet when Mike gets here later in the month. The fish store Tiara is just 10 mintues from the girlfriend's house (Machida) on the way to Yokohama...Maybe we can meet there. But don't you work until like 2 am every weeknight Sangogo? That place might be closed then... :D

Mike is always game for a late night run to Shibuya, Ebisu, or Shinjuku. Ask him about the time he hit on some transvestites at TGIFridays. :eek2:

Mike begged me to write an apology, hence removing his name from the poopoo list.

I, Hot4teacher, hereby removed Dastank from the poopoo list, on this, the 11th day of September, year 2006.

I am sorry for any and all grievances and/or lost sleep that may have occured from your name's addition to the above mentioned poopoo list.

Please accept my depends apologies,

Electronically signed,
Yep, weekdays would be bad.... Though, last week, I did leave before 11 every night.

This week, I expect no such luck starting tomorrow.
Hi Sangogo.

I'll be at Roppongi Hills tomorrow am with two of my children. Should be there from about 1030 am onwards.

If You're there at the same time, please keep an eye open for a bearded gaijin (5'10) with two children in tow (one boy, one girl).

Thanks for the reminder.

I won't be going this weekend. Still got a few more coats of poly for the canopy and some aquascape to arrange.

I did go to PD's today and looked at the livestock. A sad sight, but they had a tiny flame angel I've been strongly considering on getting if they ever had one.

Hope ya'll have fun. take some pics and report back! I see PD's took a lot of their tanks so they must have a display down there.


I took quite a few pics, but mostlyof the freshwater aquariums.

The event was OK but wa mainly limited to Manufactureres and there was little new this year.

On the display aquariums, the only one that was any good was Natural's. I had a chat with one of their staff at the event. I think she was getting a little p'd off with all the coments about why there weren't that many fish in their tank (they had 20in it). Other shops put e.g. 30 clowns in the tanks, plus damsels or had anthias and tangs in a 90 cm. Natural were the only ones that tried to set up the tank properly. Splash had a 2 meter aquarium with Poluymnus, Clarkii and Ocellaris clowns, plus tngs and damsels. To the unitiiated it looked great, but for those with some experience, it was horrible. Something like 60 clownfish inthe smae tank.

THey will be the ones who win the layout contest because they look "pretty".

I understand why Natural scaled back their presence this year, it is not for serious reefkeepers. there were a lot fewer exhibits this year. That said, some of the freshwater exhibits were great. I'll try and sort out some pics over the long weekend.

After working until like 4 am for like 3 days in a row, I finally got time this weekend to have a bit of fun. But I was so braindead, I didn't even think to get pictures.

Like Matt said, the event was ok. I did pick up a few nice samples of stuff, but in general I got bored pretty fast. I also received a free mangrove which I have growing in a cup right now since it doesn't fit in my sump....