Rose Anemone prices confuse me!


New member

I browsed your MDL website to purchase a RBTA, however, I am thoroughly confused. Currently, there are 9 entries all with the same representative picture (which I can understand). What I cannot understand and make a judgement on which to order is the pricing.

For the Tonga RBTA there are 2 for $79, one for $157. For the Indonesia, there are two for $119 one for $315. Two for $77, one for $178.

Since the representative pictures are the same, how would one suggest I make a reasonable decision as to which to purchase??

I would assume, the Indonesian large for $315 must be soo much better looking than the one for $119...but there is no way to tell if it indeed is worth an extra $200, since they should be relatively the same size. Same with the Tonga smalls... is the one small truly that much more impressive that the price is doubled.

Additionally, could you tell me if there are any significant differences between those from Tonga, and those from Indonesia. Is one "preferred" in the hobby?

Any hint, tips or advice?

Thanks in advance,
Hi Tom
I am sorry for the confusion and not having an immediate answer for you. We do not currently have any Rose BTAs in stock, so they are all wrong. The lower prices are the correct ones. To be honest, I am not sure why it is showing this way. I have our IT team looking into it. With our pending move next month, I do not think it will be resolved immediately.
The Tonga snails are much larger and more expensive. I will get that clarified up shortly. I am sorry for the confusion.
Steve C.
Marine Depot Live Customer Service
714-935-9607 MDL
714-385-0080 MD
714-385-0180 FAX
Hi Jefathome,

We are moving to the City of Garden Grove, this is our new address 14271 Corporate Drive, Garden Grove. 92843. All will call pick ups have to be picked up no later than Thursday July 17th before 5 pm. Will call pick ups for our local customers will be available at our new location starting July 23rd.

Please keep in mind we do not have will call available for live goods.

I hope you find this information helpful.


Marine Depot Customer Services