Royal-Exclusiv / Vertex Cone Skimmer Club

It is only today that I got the time to install the 170 upgrade impeller and nozzle. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I found this youtube video uploaded by someone which showed how strong the pump intake was, which was consistent with mine. Note how the bubbles go below the white round plate:

After the upgrade, I find the pump intake a bit weak. Bubbles now start at about 2" above the white plate. It is skimming with a thick, fine skimmate but is this how it should be? Anyone using the newer impeller and nozzle have bubbles below that white round plate?

My water level is at 9". Nozzle is turned out at about 4 turns.


That is exactly where the bubbles in the chamber should be, about 2" - 2.5" above the white bubble plate. In that youtube video posted, notice the exhaust of the skimmer, and how many bubbles are coming out of it. That is not how the skimmer is designed to run. After you let the upgrade run for a while I think you will be happy with it. The ratio of water throughput and air draw is much better with the upgrade package.


You dont want the bubbles below the plate. As Jeremy stated they should be about 2 inches above it. This is how my Alpha 300 runs.

It is only today that I got the time to install the 170 upgrade impeller and nozzle. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I found this youtube video uploaded by someone which showed how strong the pump intake was, which was consistent with mine. Note how the bubbles go below the white round plate:

After the upgrade, I find the pump intake a bit weak. Bubbles now start at about 2" above the white plate. It is skimming with a thick, fine skimmate but is this how it should be? Anyone using the newer impeller and nozzle have bubbles below that white round plate?

My water level is at 9". Nozzle is turned out at about 4 turns.
Has anyone tried using Ozone with one of the Alpha's? I have been contemplating using Ozone for a while, I know that the Vertex Alpha's have a dedicated Ozone port which is great. My only concerns are how to filter the effluent output of the skimmer. It is recommended to filter it with GAC. Also how to filter the Ozone escaping at the top of the skimmer? Does anyone have any experience with Ozone use and these skimmers?




They are ozone safe, however you will need to build some type of screen tray to set on the collection cup lid that you can put carbon in. This will scrub the outflow air and remove any ozone that is coming out of the unit and going into the atmosphere.
From a size / volume standpoint, I would think the Alpha 250 would be superior. I have never ran them side by side, but I have ran both. The Alpha 250 would be more comparable to the KZ Revolution L.
Hi all. I am new here and would like to join your club. I live in Toronto, Ontario CANADA.

I just received my Alpha Cone 170 along with the package of 3 replacement parts. Unfortunately for me, the replacement pinwheel is missing 3 pins on the wheel (seems to be broken off or a manufacture's defect at the base of the plate where all pins are attached to). All of the other pins on the pinwheel are fine. I have just sent a msg to the seller asking for a replacement.

Should I attempt to run the skimmer with these missing 3 pins while I am waiting for defective pinwheel to be sent. Is there any danger in trying this? Is there any hope it might work almost as good as a non-broken pinwheel?

Secondly I have no idea where the red pipe (pen marked "58") approx 25mm outside diameter and 58mm long goes. Does it go somewhere inside the white pump housing (one of the three parts that you replace by unscrewing the 3 screws on the pump--is this called the volute?).

Many thanks for any help.
Just noticed several critters/pods living below the bubble plate and the base of the cone. I'm sure it's safe and won't mind them reproducing and becoming a nano refugium. :)

Anyone else?
Hi all. I am new here and would like to join your club. I live in Toronto, Ontario CANADA.

I just received my Alpha Cone 170 along with the package of 3 replacement parts. Unfortunately for me, the replacement pinwheel is missing 3 pins on the wheel (seems to be broken off or a manufacture's defect at the base of the plate where all pins are attached to). All of the other pins on the pinwheel are fine. I have just sent a msg to the seller asking for a replacement.

Should I attempt to run the skimmer with these missing 3 pins while I am waiting for defective pinwheel to be sent. Is there any danger in trying this? Is there any hope it might work almost as good as a non-broken pinwheel?

Secondly I have no idea where the red pipe (pen marked "58") approx 25mm outside diameter and 58mm long goes. Does it go somewhere inside the white pump housing (one of the three parts that you replace by unscrewing the 3 screws on the pump--is this called the volute?).

Many thanks for any help.

Short term the impeller shouldn't cause any issues, however long term the unbalanced impeller cause premature wear of the bearings and shaft. You should be fine running it for a week or so.

The red 58mm nozzle is not used with the 170 upgrade package. The upgrade package has a white tuneable venturi on the front of the pump, making the red change out nozzles obsolete for this Alpha model.

Hey Guys, wondering if it is normal to have my Alpha 200 continue to do great for a day, and then dropping its bubbles down drastically?

Do you guys see this happen whenever you put your hand in the tank or feed?
If your bioload is really light, or the tank is fairly new this is pretty common. The more dissolved organics in the system, the more oils from fish foods and your body it will take to collapse the foam head. The less bioload / dissolved organics in the system, the less oils it will take to collapse the head. Every system will be different in how this acts.
Well i have a very packed 150 with lots of fish, but maybe it is becuase the 200 is overrated for my tank it is a smaller bio-load on it?
Very Went skimming

Very Went skimming

HI All

I have my Alpha 200 set up in my tank for almost 4 weeks now...its skimming but very wet skimmate but it smells really bad tho

I want to get very dark skimate but dont know what to do

my tank is very heavy stock with LPS, SPS and zoas, I feed my tank alot due to the lps corals (acans, dundans, dendros, zoas, gonipora) however I am not getting any dry skimmate.

I think the skimmer should skim better b/c my nitrates are 10 ppm, I know skimmer wont decrease nitrates however it should remove the organic so nitrate wont even come from amonia/nitrite

The nozzle for the pump is the one that came with it, I have two other nozzle's available, one is a narrow but taller one with red body and grey head, the other one is a wider but a little shorter (3 mm shorter) than the other one.

I tried to change the nozzle but it was too hard to get it out of my pump so I thought maybe I shouldn't change it if that would not solve the problem.

do you think the skimmer may have some problems?


rort - Just set the skimmer water level right at the bottom of the collection cup, don't let the sump fluctuate (use an auto top off), and don't change any skimmer settings. One of the biggest mistakes we make at times is constantly adjusting. Just set it and let it go, you should be just fine after this.

Pran - Use the wider diameter, shorter red nozzle. This will pull the most air, and let the skimmer work as efficiently as possible. Again, as mentioned above, make sure your sump isn't fluctuating, and set the water right at the bottom of the collection cup and let it go. This should product the nice dark, dry skimmate for you.
Thanks alot Jeremy

I will change it then, and see what happens.

also, I dont think my sump level changes, b/c I have baffle, so the water is always 13 inch high in my sump area for the skimmer, but I used a stand to put the skimmer little high and from talking to you I have it at 9 inch level.

What I notice is the skimmer shakes a little maybe 2 or 3 mm up and down side ways due to the vibration of the pump or something, would this affect the performance ?


also the water level inside the skimmer should be where?

should it be above the white neck and bottom of the cup or should it be above the cup inside the chamber or should it be at the very top of the chamber?
