It is only today that I got the time to install the 170 upgrade impeller and nozzle. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I found this youtube video uploaded by someone which showed how strong the pump intake was, which was consistent with mine. Note how the bubbles go below the white round plate:
After the upgrade, I find the pump intake a bit weak. Bubbles now start at about 2" above the white plate. It is skimming with a thick, fine skimmate but is this how it should be? Anyone using the newer impeller and nozzle have bubbles below that white round plate?
My water level is at 9". Nozzle is turned out at about 4 turns.
That is exactly where the bubbles in the chamber should be, about 2" - 2.5" above the white bubble plate. In that youtube video posted, notice the exhaust of the skimmer, and how many bubbles are coming out of it. That is not how the skimmer is designed to run. After you let the upgrade run for a while I think you will be happy with it. The ratio of water throughput and air draw is much better with the upgrade package.