Active member
rort - Just set the skimmer water level right at the bottom of the collection cup, don't let the sump fluctuate (use an auto top off), and don't change any skimmer settings. One of the biggest mistakes we make at times is constantly adjusting. Just set it and let it go, you should be just fine after this.
Pran - Use the wider diameter, shorter red nozzle. This will pull the most air, and let the skimmer work as efficiently as possible. Again, as mentioned above, make sure your sump isn't fluctuating, and set the water right at the bottom of the collection cup and let it go. This should product the nice dark, dry skimmate for you.
thanks Jeremy!
Even if the level goes low the way my sump is designed the skimmer section will never be affected, but I do use an ATO to help with the constant evaporation. I have not really touched the skimmer for more than a week and it does skim great, just not when i put my hand in the tank! lol
I will raise the level of the water to the bottom of the collection cup like you said and report back in a few days with results!
thanks again for all the help